8th Grade Transition

Please click on the links below for a short video from our CTE teachers sharing about their career pathway.

Career Pathways

Club- FFA

Club- DECA

Club- FBLA



Club- HOSA

Club- Robotics

Club- STLP

Co-Curricular Classes

PCHS offers three different types of diplomas. Click on each below to learn about the requirements for that specific diploma.         

The descriptions of the courses offered at PCHS by department can be accessed at the link below. 

MAST Crew offers every incoming freshman the opportunity to make the transition into high school smooth and successful. This transition process begins with Freshman Orientation that occurs during the same day as the PCHS Open House.  Then, throughout the school year, every freshman will receive the assistance of MAST Crew Leaders who will answer questions, offer tutoring, and provide fun activities for freshman students to attend.

Please click the link below to view the scheduling presentation for 8th grade students.