Incoming Freshmen


Welcome, Class of 2029

Registration, Enrollment & Course Selection

If you're currently a Freshmen (NOT in 8th grade) looking to transfer to Placer THIS 2024-2025 school year, please click here.

Para ver esta información en español, haga clic aquí.

Follow enrollment steps 1-3 listed below!

Please complete steps 1 & 2 for Registration and Enrollment ASAP. Step 3, Course Selection will open after our Hillmen Showcase on Tuesday, February 25th! Click here for more information on the Hillman Showcase.

*Click here to access the Residence Verification form needed for enrollment. Haga clic aquí para Español.

Submit the 5 REQUIRED documents for enrollment

Documents may be attached to your online enrollment form or emailed to

Submit Additional Documents if Applicable

Complete Course Selection Google Form - Now Available!
Click here to access the Course Selection form.

Our Course Selection Form is now open. The deadline to submit your course selections is Friday, March 28th. Students who submit by the March 28th deadline receive PRIORITY when selecting their electives IF they have also completed steps 1 & 2.

* Your elective choices will not be entered until

STEP 1 and STEP 2 above have been completed.

Some helpful resources:

Questions? Contact Kelly McCaughna at

Other Important Information

Click here to view our Welcome Class of 2029 slideshow and learn more about Placer High School and the classes offered your Freshman year.

Your Counselors & Counseling Team:

Counselor: Students with last names A - G

Counseling Specialist for Placer & Confluence

Counselor: Students with last names N - Z

College & Career Specialist

Counselor: Students with last names H - M

Freshman Enrollment & Counseling Asst.

Cafeteria/National School Lunch Program:
Information about our cafeteria options and the application for the National School Lunch Program are available on our district website: Placer Union High School District - Nutrition Services

Inter- &  Intra-District Transfers

My School Locator Tool:

Click here and enter your home address to learn which school’s attendance area you live in.

I Want to Attend Placer High but…

…We Don’t Live in Placer High School’s Attendance Area

You will need to complete an Intra-District Transfer Request. To apply for an Intra-District Transfer for the 2025-2026 school year, you MUST turn in your application between January 6th - January 31, 2024. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED. Visit the PUHSD Website and scroll down to Enrolling “Open Enrollment within PUHSD” for the Transfer Application.

I Want to Attend Placer High but…

…We Don’t Live in the Placer Union High School District

You will need to apply for an Inter-District Transfer. To begin the inter-district request process, you must first complete an Inter-District Transfer Request Form from your current district of residence.

To ensure proper placement of your high school student, and to remain in compliance with education codes and national safety standards, it is necessary that you follow the guidelines above in order to enroll your student at Placer High School. Additionally, please note that the State of California requires that all students be enrolled under his/her/their legal name, regardless of how your student was enrolled at his/her/their previous school(s).

To view this information in a single document, click here.