Rules for attendance

Disruptive, prohibited, or illegal activities that interfere with the smooth conduct of classes are prohibited, not limited to online classes. Please be careful not to be punished or have serious disciplinary action taken against you by the university.





1.Redistribution of materials used in class
It is a violation of the Copyright act if you record or transcribe audio or video materials distributed as online class materials, or if you download materials used in the class and reproduce them without the permission of the author (teacher, etc.) and pass them on to a third party or publish them in an environment where anyone can see them (SNS, etc.).
Please do no do these activities.

2.Sufficient consideration of privacy protection
Personal information of other students (name, Student number, User number, etc.) must not be disclosed on the internet such as SNS or leaked to the outside.

3.Acts that interfere with class
Violent behavior toward teachers and other students, and acts that hinder the progress of classes are prohibited, not only in online classes.

4.Substitute, a plagiarism, cheat
It is not limited to online classes prohibited that non-students of class subjects can take classes and exams, steal when creating assignments and reports (stealing and using other people's sentences, phrases, theories, etc.), and cheat when taking exams.