Welcome to 4th Grade!

"If you learn everything except Christ, you learn nothing. If you learn nothing except Christ, you learn everything."

-St. Bonaventure

I am excited to be teaching fourth grade for the 2020-21 school year! It is my hope that this year will be a year filled with academics, knowledge, but most importantly, a year of learning about our Catholic faith and journeying towards God.

"Whatever you are doing, that which makes you feel the most alive...that is where God is."

-St. Ignatius of Loyola

It is my hope that through our journey this year, my fourth graders will find God in everything that they do.

Aline Gibbons Newstead, M. S.

Let's Go Bona's! ~ St. Bonaventure University

White and Blue! ~ Creighton University


Science Website

Please use this link to log into Stemscopes for science class:


Login: your LF email address

Password: lfcs2021

Math Zoom Link


Meeting ID: 271 055 7631

Passcode: math2020

"In the spirit of our patroness St. Thérèse, Little Flower Catholic School cultivates learners and disciples committed to academic, spiritual, and personal growth in an environment that nurtures our commitment to 'do small things with great love'."