

* Draw a picture and write about it.

* Write about something you have done.

* Choose something from your home and write a description about it.

* Write about a story you have read.

* Cut out pictures of people, animals and places etc and label them.

* Create a detailed drawing (just like a scientist) of your pet or an insect you might see in your garden. Add labels to their body parts. Remember to look very carefully!

* Str-e-t-ch your writing Vocab- How many words can you write in ten minutes. Count up your words and aim to meet or better your score the next day.

* Write words and letters on concrete with water and a paint brush, chalk or in sand.

* Make lists - example a shopping list, colours, numbers, class mate's names, pets, animals, insects, fruit, vegetables. Aim for hearing and recording all the sounds you can hear in a word in order rather than perfection.

* Write a letter to a friend, family member or a favourite story book character.

*Write about your favourite animal. What do you like about them?

*Which do you think is better, winter or summer? Write about your reasons why.

*What is a food you do not like? Write about it.

*Imagine you have a special superpower. What is it? Write about what you can do.

*Write an imaginative story- What would it be like if you had a pet crocodile, monkey, snake, dragon...?

* Make rhyming lists eg cat, bat, rat, fat, that.

* Colouring and cutting activities to encourage fine motor skills.

* Play dough letters and words.

* Rainbow writing of basic sight words. Choose a word and write over it 7 times.

* Pick a word from Essential Lists 1-3 (see below) and see how many times you can write it in 1 minute. Set a timer and see if you can meet or beat your time tomorrow.

* Write the alphabet - upper and lower case.

* Daily handwriting - Focusing on starting place and correct formation. Follow the guidelines below and practise the letters in the correct sequence like l t i j.

*alphabet/word card to use when writing a story. If you have a working printer you could print it out and your child could colour it in. If you don’t have access to a printer at the moment, your child could look at the card on a screen as they write. 

*word card organised alphabetically. This card has both the capital and lowercase letters together and some words children use regularly in their writing. We help the children look for the words they need as they start to use these cards. Use this card for children who have a secure letter, sound and word knowledge.

*Handwriting instruction guidelines (see below)  showing how to form letters correctly 


Essential Word Lists 1, 2 and 3

List 1