Social Emotional

Stress Relief

  1. Take 10 deep slow breaths to the count of 10

  2. Exercise or go for a run

  3. Listen to a song

  4. Talk to a friend or family member

  5. Play with a pet

  6. Imagine your favorite place

  7. Color or draw

  8. Write poetry, stories, or journal

  9. Knit or sew

  10. Bake or cook

  11. Shoot hoops or kick a soccer ball

  12. Dance

  13. Perform a random act of kindness

  14. Do something that you like to do

  15. Clean your space - it can clear your head!

When to report bullying

It is important to take immediate action especially if the actions demonstrated by another person are making you feel unsafe. If you notice that you are unable to concentrate in class, be happy with your friends, be open with your family, it is time to speak up. Remember, telling an adult about a bully is not tattling; it is asking for help.

How to report bullying

You can speak with your teachers, our school resource officer, administration, a counselor, or any adult in the building about bullying. Teachers will contact either the administration or the counselor to begin the process of talking to both you and your bully to resolve the conflict and make sure that everyone is feeling safe and secure inside and outside of school. You can also make an anonymous report through Safe2Tell.