BHS Chorus FAQ

BHS Chorus Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If your question is not answered below, please email Dr. Driscoll at

Q: I would like to sing at BHS, but I don’t want to audition for a group.
A: No problem – sign up for Concert Choir (PA 1000)! (Students entering grades 10-12 also do not need to audition for A cappella Choir.)

Q: Can I join chorus if I don’t read music?
A: Absolutely! Learning how to read music is a major component of the chorus classes at BHS. Chorus at BHS meets 7 out of every 10 school days, so we have plenty of time to work on these skills. There is a place for people with a variety of backgrounds and skills.

Q: Is chorus a class I should take if I don’t really want to take any other elective at BHS?
A: No. There are many elective options at BHS. Students who sign up for chorus are truly committed members of the choir, are serious about making great music together, and want to become better musicians. We have fun, but there is a seriousness of purpose in the chorus classes at BHS.

Q: I want to play in the BHS Concert Band or the BHS Orchestra. Can I also take chorus?
A: Yes! Both BHS Concert Band and BHS Orchestra meet during Z-block, which is before the official start of the school day. That means that you still will have an elective block available during the school day when you can take Concert Choir.

Q: Can ninth grade students take A cappella Choir at BHS?
A: Yes. A cappella Choir is open to students entering grades 10-12 without an audition. Incoming ninth grade students who are more advanced singers and readers may audition to be considered for A cappella Choir. For more information about auditions, please go to the chorus auditions page

Q: I am interested in auditioning for the BHS Camerata Choir. Are ninth grade students able to be in the group?
A: Yes. Freshmen are eligible to be in the group. Not many ninth graders get in, however, because of competition from older BHS singers who have had more singing and sight-singing experience. It can't hurt to try, though! You may do one audition for both Camerata and A cappella Choir. For more information about auditions, please go to the chorus auditions page

Q: I auditioned for BHS Camerata Choir, but did not get in. Should I give up on singing in chorus at BHS?
A: Absolutely not! Admittance into the BHS Camerata Choir is quite competitive. Spaces usually go to students whose voices have had time to mature and who have had more experience sight-singing. If you don’t get into Camerata as a ninth grade student, the best thing you can do to prepare for getting into Camerata in a future year is to take a year of BHS Concert Choir. Most students who work their way through the choral course sequence at BHS will eventually get into Camerata.

Q: I auditioned for BHS Camerata and got in. Do I also have to take Concert Choir?
A: Yes. Students who get into Camerata are required to take two years of one of the other faculty-directed ensembles (Concert Choir or A cappella Choir). This is possible to schedule because Camerata meets during Z-blocks and Concert Choir and A cappella are scheduled during the regular school day. 

Q: I’m interested in joining one of the student-directed vocal groups at BHS. When are auditions?
A: Auditions for the student-directed groups usually take place in late May. Go to the Student-Led Groups page for more information.

Q: If I sing in one of the student-directed vocal groups at BHS, do I also need to take a BHS chorus class?
A: Yes. Students in the student-directed a cappella groups must also take at least a year of a faculty-directed choral ensemble at BHS (BHS Concert Choir or BHS A cappella Choir). This helps ensure that you have the skills that you need to be effective members of your student-directed ensemble.

Q: I am a pianist. Can student pianists accompany the choirs?
A: Yes! The choirs at Brookline High School are accompanied by students only. Please see the pianist auditions page for more information.