AP Music Theory
course description
PA2700 AP Music Theory
This course corresponds with one-to-two semesters of a typical, introductory college music theory course that covers music theory, basic compositional techniques, and musicianship skills including sight-singing and listening skills. Students develop the ability to recognize, understand, and describe aspects of tonal music that are heard or presented in a score. AP Music Theory is intended for students who desire it for enrichment as well as for those who plan to pursue music in college. Upon completion of this course, students are prepared to take the AP Music Theory exam offered by the College Board. The prerequisite for this course is a basic knowledge and understanding of music notation. Students who wish to learn to read music are encouraged to take Concert Choir (PA1000) or Piano Class (PA 3400) prior to taking AP Music Theory.
Prerequisite: A basic knowledge and understanding of music notation; Member of BHS instrumental ensemble or permission of instructor.
Open to students in grade: 10-12 (recommended for junior or senior year)
Credit: 1