Teacher Showcase -Learn from Peers

See highlights below from our #PrairieRosePossibilites Instructional Round at Irvine's Agriculture Discovery Center

Grade 3 teacher, Amber Pinchin, talks about how she uses free resources from www.stevewyborney.com as Math Challenges to help build deeper learning, math vocabulary and mathematical self-esteem.

Wondering about PWIM?  (Picture Word Induction Model) Watch a PWIM in a class full of ELL learners in Susan Cleland's Grade 1/2 class. Be sure to check out the last minutes of the video when students do their word sort!

Wow! Students in Mrs. Pinchin's Grade 3 class have created Esti-mystery videos for K-2. Check out their playlist below.

First-year teacher Danika Resch describes how she uses the website noredink.com to help her students practice and improve their grammar and writing. 
Becoming a Reader - Colby Mercer.mov

Shyloh-dawn Bonogofski talks about how Colby Mercer "became a reader in Grade 11" and the impact of using MAP Reading Test Results to identify gaps and access to classes that guide students to "love reading."