MAP Testing

The MAP Test is mandatory for students in grade 2 to 9.  It is a test to show growth, so it should be administered in the fall and toward the end of the school year.  

Click any of the buttons below to access the resources.

Using MAP Practice Test

MAP Longterm Results

How to set up a MAP test session

This is a quick resource that we like to show before testing, especially for Junior HIgh students who question the value of sitting to write an assessment like this.  When we show the "dips" in the generic line graphs, we can discuss why this might happen (rushing, not trying, tired, unable to concentrate) and provide strategies for avoiding this type of "outlier" result.

⬅️. Access this sample deck at this link: 

Considering MAP Test Results

Rasch UnIT, which is a measurement scale developed to simplify the interpretation of test scores. It is an equal-interval scale, like feet and inches, so scores can be added together to calculate accurate class or school averages.  RIT scores make it possible to follow a student’s educational growth from year to year.

Resources to support Reading Improvement