MIPI Testing

Math Intervention / Programming Instrument

The MIPI is based on the old (pre-2022) Aberta Math Curriculum.   

As such in September 2023, it would only be appropriate to use the MIPI with grades 5 and above.  Grade 4-6 classes that used the new (2022) Alberta during the 2022-23 school year should not use this MIPI test.

MIPI is a Math test based entirely on Alberta Curriculum outcomes. It is to be delivered at the beginning of the school year, testing what students recall from the previous year's curriculum.

This tool is created by Edmonton Public School Board and they have allowed us access to this testing.  As a result, you will notice that there are many references to EPSD.

Contact the Instructional Coaches for help in setting up the MIPI for your class, running the MIPI in your class, or running the Flubaroo marking addon afterwards.  Resources which explain the process are found below.

Step 1: Review Materials

Review the Set up  (click button above).  Contact information for assistance can be found in the Implementation Guide.

Review this site including the video tutorials specific to your school's implementation plan.

The MIPI has been designed to reflect selected learning outcomes from the previous grade based on the Alberta Program of Studies. 

The MIPI is one of many tools teachers use to assist with planning for and implementing interventions to support individual students.  

The MIPI is intended to be completed without calculators and has been designed accordingly. School administrators have the choice to allow students to use calculators, if calculator use is part of the regular programming for an individual student or class.

Time allotted for writing MIPI:  

Step 2: Choose Digital or Paper Format

There are two ways to administer this instrument, Digital or Paper.

 Step 3a: Digital Instructions:

Use the Digital Format if:

Step 3b: Paper Instructions:

Grading the MIPI test with Flubaroo

The Testing Material

Step 4: Marking 

This file ⬆️ is only availalbe to teachers in our School District through an agreement with Edmonton Public Schools.  We cannot give access to teachers outside of our district.

Step 5: Communicate Results