Jeffco CTC Key Leaders

Jefferson County Communities That Cares Coalition has, as Key Leaders of CTC, 

the members of Jeffco Connections.

As such, the Jeffco CTC Key Leaders Board meets immediately following the Jeffco Connections' August and February meetings. Agendas and handouts for these meetings will be posted here. Additionally, Key Leaders are invited to our annual Youth Voices event in April. All Key leaders are also invited to attend any Jeffco CTC workgroup or community board meetings

Jeffco Connections (JC) is the 1451 Collaborative Management Program (CMP) in Jefferson County and is a partnership of 22 family-serving agencies and local jurisdictions (PDF) with set policies, procedures and bylaws. Jeffco Connections gathers each month and meetings are open to the public. Find out more here and here.

The Communities That Care framework suggests a Key Leaders board consisting of community leaders who are able to make or influence policy and budgetary decisions in the community.

Jeffco CTC Key Leaders meeting 8:30 - 9:00 AM August 13, 2021  or asynchronously 

-Funding updates-

8:30-8:40 AM

-Key projects updates-

8:40 - 9:00 AM

Jeffco Teens 

Our request:

Please print and post this in places youth might see it!

Community Action with Teens Program

Our request of Key Leaders Jeffco Connections Board:

About the CAT Program.pdf

Trustable Adults

Our request:

Infographic on how the initiative might work in Jefferson County.

Jeffco Schools Health Education policy change recommendations

Our request:

Note: this video will not be shown during the Key Leaders meeting, due to time constraints. 

Jeffco CTC Letter to Board re_ SEL and Health Policy January 2021.pdf

Twelve Talks to Have With Teens

Our request:

Note: this video will not be shown during the Key Leaders meeting, due to time constraints. 

Spanish NSET and STC Flyer 8-9-21.pdf
English NSET and STC Flyer 7-30-21.pdf

2021 Risk & Protective Factor Analysis

Our request:

Note: this video will not be shown during the Key Leaders meeting, due to time constraints. 

Jeffco CTC 2021 Risk and Protective Factor Report.pdf
Note: This report was also mailed to Key Leaders; additional hard copies are located in the Jefferson County Health Department lobby.