Coalition History

Brief Jeffco CTC Coalition Chronology


2016 - 2017

1) Get Started with a small group of community members establishing the project, followed by a Key Leaders retreat in August 2017.

2) Get Organized by developing our vision statement at a day long retreat in October 2017.

3) Develop Community Profile, including Risk & Protective Factor Data Analysis and Community Resource Assessment


4) Create a Plan

5) Implement & Evaluate




CTC Workgroup Projects (Current & Historic)

Note: Not directly funded with CTC Grant funds (rather: ** DFC Federal grant or ^^Community First funding)

---  Current 2022 CTC Workgroup Projects  ---

Twelve Talks

Youth Engagement and      

Trustable Adults/ Out for Safe Spaces

Policy & Substance Availability

Data Workgroup

SEL / HE Workgroup

---  Recent CTC Workgroup Projects  ---

Twelve Talks

Youth Engagement and      Trustable Adults

Policy & Substance Availability

Data Workgroup

SEL / HE Workgroup

---  Currently Inactive CTC Workgroup Projects (2018-2019)  ---

Twelve Talks

Youth Engagement and      Trustable Adults

Resource Assessment Workgroup

Policy & Substance Availability

Data Workgroup

Interpersonal Violence Workgroup