Social Hosting: Youth Policy Proposal
Whether you are a youth, a parent, a policy maker or a stakeholder, if you are interested in this policy, please join the CTC board for continuing discussion as we look at how this type of policy might work for our community.
Video created by youth to explain how social hosting policies could help our community.
Thanks to everyone who worked on this policy proposal:
Policy Video Group
Chau Nguyen, Eliza Todd, Grace Nguyen, Kimya AmiriRad, Lindsey Strandberg, Ryan Charter, Vivian Nguyen
Input, Event & Data Group
Annika Miller, Jasmine Florez, Koral Castelan, Kutad Duzgun, Samantha Ramirez, Lola Peregoy
Messaging Group
Gabriele Hanson, Leela Powers, Lili Foss, Sarah Driscoll, Sienna Arguelles-Orr
Arra Katona, Corey Engle, Jacki Paone, Taryn Fuchs, Pamela Gould, Debby Bower, Emily Merewether
Input from stakeholders
They Need You to Say NO Messaging Campaign
Next steps:
Next, the CTC board will have an in-depth discussion about if and how board members and the coalition as a whole might support making some or all of the recommended changes in our community. Want to be part of that conversation? Please join us!
Select references & more information:
County Healthy Rankings Social Hosting
US DHHS SG-Addiction 2016 - US Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS), Office of the Surgeon General. Facing addiction in America: The Surgeon General's report on alcohol, drugs, and health. Washington, DC: DHHS, November 2016.
Wagoner 2012* - Wagoner KG, Francisco VT, Sparks M, et al. A review of social host policies focused on underage drinking parties: Suggestions for future research. Journal of Drug Education. 2012;42(1):99-117.
Wagoner 2013* - Wagoner KG, Sparks M, Francisco VT, et al. Social host policies and underage drinking parties. Substance Use & Misuse. 2013;48(1-2):41-53.
Paschall 2014* - Paschall MJ, Lipperman-Kreda S, Grube JW, Thomas S. Relationships between social host laws and underage drinking: Findings from a study of 50 California cities. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2014;75(6):901-907.
Jefferson County Data, including 2019 Healthy Kids Colorado and Jeffco CTC Youth Town Hall findings
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