Royalty Free Images & Video Footage

Below are the websites I use most frequently when sourcing royalty free images to enhance my digital stories. 

Unsplash: an online bank of stunning high quality photographers' images

Pexels: An online repository of high quality free images and video

Pixabay: is a bank of royalty free images that you can use. Please note: the images surrounded in yellow at the top of the site are not copyright free, everything below this line is.

Creative Commons: A one stop shop for royalty-free digital content, including images, sound, clipart and Youtube videos

Google Safe Search: Search for an image on Google. Select the 'Tools' tab at the top and then choose 'Usage rights'. From here scroll down to 'Creative Commons Licenses' and select. The page will now reload with the royalty free content. 

Videvo: has thousands of free stock videos, motion graphics, music tracks and sound effects all in one place.