Shooting Footage
Shooting Using Native Camera App
Generally, the in-build recording capability in a device or camera is sufficient when capturing footage for educational purposes. This feature can be found in the native camera app, by selecting 'Video'. The clips saved to the camera roll can then later be used in an editing app.
I always turn on the gridlines in the camera settings before the pupils use the device to shoot their footage as it encourages them to capture their shots properly, using the gridlines as a reference throughout.
Don't Zoom. Zooming decreases the quality of the picture. Get the pupils to use the 'Zoom with your feet' rule. If you want a close up of an object, physically get closer to it.
Shooting For Longer Projects/ Short Films
Filmic Pro: iOS and Android Users (Paid For Resource)
Shooting your footage via the video recording feature on your device/ camera is generally fine for classroom-based projects. However, if you are shooting a project that you are planning to enter into a competition or perhaps showcase to a larger audience, it may be well worth investing in Filmic Pro. It's essentially a very advanced video camera, used by many mobile journalists, with fantastic features such as smooth zooming. For costing visit the links below.
iOS App available here:
Android App available here:
Shooting Footage as a Cartoon/ Live Animation
Olli: iOS Users (Paid For Resource)
If you would like to shoot footage in a cartoon style for inclusion in your piece than this is the app for you. Olli by Tinrocket is a very straightforward app that yields great effects. It transforms what you are shooting into a beautiful hand drawn animation.
Available to download here:
Using a Green Screen- Visiting Locations Around the World (and Beyond) in the Classroom!
DoInk Green Screen: iOS Users (Paid For Resource)
From developing oral language in a familiar setting during an Aistear lesson, to explaining a geographical phenomenon in 5th class, to transporting yourself around the world to report on historical events for a TY history project in post primary school...the possibilities are endless. Simply create a new project, choose the camera option on the top row, select your image/video footage for the row beneath and away you go! The resulting video will save to your camera roll and can then be exported to an editing app for inclusion in your final project.
Available to download here:
Chromavid: Cross Platform (Free App)
This is a very simple app to use that can bring the magic of green screening into any classroom without having to invest money in specialist equipment or much time in figuring out how to use complicated settings. The interface is very easy to find your way around and you can even choose one of four colours to replace with images/video (although I would always recommend going with the bright green colour that is traditionally used). There are also some great backgrounds preloaded to use straight away in your project (as seen in the image below), or simply upload your own.
Available to download for Android users here:
Available to download for iOS users here: