Advancement & Promotion 

Our promotion system is continually under scrutiny to insure that it is fair and equitable for all cadets. Over the past several years, it has been improved and streamlined to promote efficiency and accuracy. All cadets are encouraged to offer suggestions for improvement at any time. Achieving promotion requires cadets to maintain academic standards, participate in unit activities, and demonstrate proficiency in military areas. All of the requirements are within the capabilities of every cadet to achieve and therefore, every cadet can earn higher ranks. Additionally, promotion opportunities have been made a part of the curriculum and are offered during Naval Science class periods. This allows every cadet to participate regardless of extracurricular activities scheduled. 

PQS Deadlines & Board Dates

Company Staff

SY 23-24 Company Chain of Command

Seaman Apprentice PQS

Seaman Apprentice PQS

Seaman PQS

Seaman PQS.docx

Petty Officer 3rd Class

Petty Officer 3rd Class PQS.docx

Petty Officer 2nd Class

Petty Officer 2nd Class PQS.docx

Petty Officer 1st Class PQS

Petty Officer 1st Class PQS.docx

Chief Petty Officer PQS

Chief Petty Officer PQS.docx

Senior Chief Petty Officer PQS


Promotion Timeline

Cadets will be permitted to advance freely during any marking period for the Seaman Ranks, once they achieve the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class they must wait one marking period in between every following rank to go up for advancement, the advancement to Senior Chief Petty Officer requires waiting two Marking Periods. THEIR ARE NO REBOARDS

Promotion Specifics:  All cadets going up for advancements must have completed (PASS/IMPROVED) the PT test, maintain proper grades, fulfilled 12 hours of community service and demonstrate good conduct (no adverse interactions with school administrators).

Seaman Recruit; Seaman Apprentice & Seaman Ranks: Cadets will start their time in the NJROTC Program as Seaman Recruits. Promotion to Seaman Apprentice and Seaman requires ability to recite basic unit and naval knowledge, demonstrate ability to do basic unarmed drill and approval from all teachers in signature form. Board appearances are not required for promotion within these ranks. During these ranks cadets show involvement in the unit by joining different teams and departments, learning what is asked of them as a cadet and how to act in uniform.  Cadets may go up for advancement in back to back marking periods (Seaman Apprentice MP1, Seaman MP2 and Petty Officer 3rd class MP3)

Petty Officer 3rd Class, 2nd Class, and 1st Class: Promotion within the Petty Officer Ranks requires ability to recite a far broader aspect of unit knowledge along with more in depth naval knowledge, approval from teachers in signature form and appear before a board in which they must recite all knowledge on the PQS with proper military bearing, additionally performing drill movements with the rifle, guidon, and giving commands in this board. Cadets may go up for advancement every other marking period, meaning cadets may only seek promotion two times a school year. Meritorious Promotion to the next higher grade may be awarded anytime regardless of time in grade. During these ranks cadets are held to a higher standard, being role models for younger cadets and holding leadership positions in various teams and the departments. (Petty Officer 2nd class MP1 of Sophomore year, Petty Officer 1st class MP3)

Chief Petty Officer: Promotion within the Chief Petty Officer rank requires the cadet to thoroughly understand and be able to teach all NJROTC knowledge, stand in front of a board where they are tested on all information and drill movements of every previous PQS as well as the Chief Petty officer PQS and properly form a platoon for inspection. During this rank cadets wear their the Dress Blue Uniform, accepting more responsibility as leaders, taking charge and playing crucial roles during bigger events such as the AMI or BLT, always holding themselves to the perfect standards and having more jobs and task assigned through teams and departments. Advancement to Chief Petty Officer can be done after waiting a MP from Petty Officer 1st Class.)

Senior Chief Petty Officer: Promotion within the Senior Chief Petty Officer rank, requires the cadet to be a Chief Petty Officer for 2 full Marking Periods, during this time they must show a desire to impact the outstanding performance of the unit by instructing cadets of lower ranks, leading by example, and standout through their participation in NJROTC program events. To apply for advancement they must submit to the C/MCPO a envelope that contains a resume and 3 formally typed essays, once there application gets approved they will stand in front of and pass a full Chief Petty Officer board, once they have passed the board they will conduct a one on one interview with the C/MCPO, following the interview they will hear there results back at the next inspection.