Quality-in-Investing? What a novel idea.

Post date: Sep 11, 2014 5:24:03 PM

Investor's and stakeholders rejoice! A new era is dawning in the financial services, finance investment industry, namely, the emergence of certified quality management. Or, as we say at PEMX, "quality-in-investing".

What is quality? Do an internet search and find out.

What is quality management? Ditto.

What happens to a company and its stakeholders if the company does not have an effective quality management system in place? Let your life experiences guide you on the answer to this question.

Would quality management be helpful in the financial services, investment industry? The answer will appear on its own, once you understand the definitions of quality and quality management.

If you participate in the financial services, finance investing sector, why doesn't your current service provider establish a "'corporate level, enterprise-wide, fully integrated', certified, quality management systems" for their business operations? Too expensive? Too hard? Both?

Dedication to quality is a volunteered choice and it only works when top level ("C" level and "D" level) leaders choose to establish a quality focus within their organizations. Often, it's cheaper for a financial services company to fulfill minimum regulatory requirements rather than taking the extra steps that will benefit them by implementing a certified quality management system. Things can go wrong when quality is NOT managed effectively and when things go wrong, it's hard to fall back on the refrain: "well, you signed the "KYC form", so you knew the risks".

As founder of PEMX, I have stated publicly, time and again: "For investors, the real risk in the financial services industry is not the risk of the underlying investment, but rather, the risk of the financial services company operating itself as a going concern, without a corporate level, enterprise-wide, fully integrated, certified quality management system in place."

Bad things often happen when a corporation does not manage itself for quality. Third-party certification is the only proof that a company actually does adhere to the principles of quality management. Anything less than third-party certification is sub-standard.

PEMX understands quality and the PEMX Private Equity Mortgage Exchange works with technology and quality partners who are able to deliver a quality managed, brokered exchange service that is certified to be quality managed. Specifically, certified to ISO 9000 Family of International Quality Management Standards.