iPad Apps

We use MANY different apps on our school iPads here at PBPS, but these were our Top 10 for the NET lessons (back in 2018) in the YT video above! 

Things move fast in the Tech world, but most of our older favourites are still in our Top 10

However, not all of them made it. The expanded updates for our faves by 2021 are below, for both teachers and students...no doubt we will have to review these in the future!

我們在 PBPS 使用了許多不同的應用程序,但這些是上面 YT 視頻中的前 10 名(早在 2018 年)!

 科技界的事情發展很快,但我們最老的最愛仍然在我們的前 10 名中。

10 iPad Apps for EFL Teachers
20 iPad Apps for EFL Students

If we had to pick one -  just ONE app -  to recommend to parents to download at home, it would be the EPIC! reading app. Reading will always play a vital role in learning, even if the formats change. Getting children to enjoy and be comfortable reading in English is so, so important. And from as early as possible.

我們在 PBPS 使用了許多不同的應用程序,但這些是上面視頻中我們的(當前)前 10 名應用程序!

如果我們必須選擇一款——只有一款應用——推薦給父母在家下載,那就是 EPIC! 閱讀應用程序。 即使形式發生變化,閱讀也將始終在學習中發揮重要作用。 讓孩子們享受並舒適地用英語閱讀是非常重要的。 並且儘早開始。