Using Technology in the NET Lessons at Precious Blood Primary School
NET Tour Video

2023-24 was a lot of fun. This year will be too!
Hello there! 2024-25 is upon us.
So, what's new for the school year?
More video-making competitions, more VR & AR fun, more Roblox Recess Groups, more AI Word-picture challenges, more Speedy challenges, more Google Classroom quizzes and Kahoots.
We will continue to develop lesson activities (when and where appropriate) which incorporate AI. But what does it mean for primary teachers and students to teach, study and learn with the help of AI? Here are 5 things we will try with AI this year:
更多的視頻製作比賽,更多的虛擬現實和擴增實境樂趣,更多的Roblox休息小組,更多的AI文字圖片挑戰,更多的快速挑戰,更多的Google Classroom測驗和Kahoots。
Teachers' Enhanced Interactive Lesson Creation: AI can create more dynamic and interactive lessons by incorporating multimedia elements directly into a chatbot conversation. This includes embedding videos, interactive quizzes, and simulations within the lesson plans, making the content more engaging for students. Typically, this kind of educational content will be used with our older students.
Real-time Feedback and Adaptive Learning in and outside of the classroom: AI chatbots can provide real-time feedback to students' work and adapt the learning material based on their performance. It can track students' progress more effectively and offer personalized recommendations and additional resources tailored to each student's needs. This year we will be testing this out as an 'on-the-spot' discussion maker whereby students can quickly photo their own written work and evaluate the chatbot's evaluation of their work.
Teachers' Collaborative Project Management: With advanced collaborative features, Chatbots can help teachers manage student projects by setting milestones, assigning tasks, and tracking progress within a shared workspace. This allows for better coordination and monitoring of group projects. This also applies to teachers' shared professional development projects. See point 4 below.
Create an experimental chatbot exam generator for one year level: It is possible to train and configure a chabot to produce exam papers of the same quality as those that teachers usually create 3 times a year for assessing their students. Although just an experiment, if we find this year that we can successfully create our own exam generator for one year level, we will then roll it out across the school in subsequent years. If this proves successful, teachers will be able to dedicate more time to other tasks, duties and responsibilities, such as improving and developing targeted differentiation activities for mixed-ability classrooms.
Advanced Language Translation Applications: Chatbots offer improved language translation capabilities and better understands cultural contexts, making it easier for educators to teach diverse classrooms with students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This feature helps in creating inclusive learning environments and enhances communication across language barriers. Most students at our school speak Cantonese as their first language, but not all. Others are Mandarin native speakers. For new students arriving at our school, with limited English exposure, an AI chatbot can be used as a personal assistant in class and at home. Used by students - with the direction of teachers - chatbots can be a real help in bridging the gap in, for example, listening to or reading lesson activity instructions.
Over the last decade here at PBPS we have made a concerted effort to embed important tech life-skills and knowledge into our NET English lessons. We hope our students develop a good foundational knowledge of how they can use technology such as computers, iPads and smartphones to learn. From simple starts such as using a QWERTY keyboard to complex self-studying with VR, we want students to learn more than just 'English' in the NET lessons.
在PBPS的過去幾年中,我們齊心協力將重要的技術生活技能和知識嵌入到NET英語課程中。我們希望我們的學生掌握如何使用計算機,iPad和智能手機等技術學習的基礎知識。從簡單的開始(例如使用QWERTY鍵盤)到使用VR進行複雜的自學,我們希望學生在NET課程中學習的不僅僅是“英語”。如今,只要擁有合適的技術技能,我們就能學到很多。如今,成為獨立學習者對每個人都很重要。 NET課程的優先重點之一是通過系統的電子學習方法灌輸這種自力更生,使學生每年都在學習各種技能。該網站展示了我們在學校所做的一些事情,以鼓勵學生將技術視為非常有用的工具,而不僅僅是使遊戲成為可能的工具。並通過英語來做到這一點。
Nowadays, with the right tech skills, we can teach ourselves so much. Becoming independent learners is very important for everyone these days. Instilling this self-reliance through a systematic approach to e-learning, whereby students build on skills from year to year, is one of the priorities of the NET lessons. This website is a showcase of some of the things we do at our school to encourage students to view technology as a very useful tool, not just something that enables gaming. And to do it through the medium of English.
Some Examples Below 👇
An example of how we harness technology and use it to create 'learning by doing' English language practice opportunities for students, check out the student made PBPS Podcast!
作為我們如何利用技術並通過為學生提供機會來創造學習的一個例子,請查看學生製作的 PBPS 播客!

A very simple example of how we harness technology and use it in conjunction with English study: The Speedy Typing App Challenge. It is so important for students to improve their digital skills and using the QWERTY keyboard is an important first step.
我們如何利用科技並將其與英語學習結合使用的另一個簡單範例:快速打字應用程式挑戰賽。對學生來說,提升數字技能非常重要,而使用 QWERTY 鍵盤是重要的第一步。

Using technology to help Create in English:
Movie-making competitions.
Project-based learning in English.