Google Workspace


Although we use lots of different tech tools and apps these days at school, in the NET lessons and activities we have been focused a lot on using Google Workspace tools over the last few years. These include Drive, YouTube, Slides, Docs, Sites, Classroom, Maps, Earth etc...


儘管如今我們在學校使用了許多不同的技術工具和應用程序,但在過去幾年中,在 NET 課程和活動中,我們一直專注於使用 Google Workspace 工具。 其中包括雲端硬盤、YouTube、幻燈片、文檔、站點、課堂、地圖、地球等...

We have been able to do some great activities with the students, often using a combination of these Google tools. And of course, with students studying from home a lot during the pandemic, having Google Classrooms for classes and groups has been so helpful in keeping students up to date and in touch with what's happening. If you are interested to know more about how we use these tools to enhance the learning experiences of our students, check the links below:

我們已經能夠與學生一起開展一些很棒的活動,通常是結合使用這些 Google 工具。 當然,由於學生在大流行期間大量在家學習,因此為班級和小組提供 Google 課堂非常有助於讓學生了解最新情況並了解正在發生的事情。 如果您有興趣了解我們如何使用這些工具來增強學生的學習體驗,請查看


List of Google Tools Example NET activities: Examples

And here is My Google Certified Trainer Site for any parents who are interested in learning more about how we use Google Workspace apps and tools to enhance the NET lessons.

這裡是我的 Google 認證培訓師網站,供有興趣詳細了解我們如何使用 Google Workspace 應用程序和工具來增強 NET 課程的任何父母。