
Lab 8 - Rubric_Group 7
Group 7 rubric.pdf


A Brief Explanation of the Technology:

In this lab, we were a group of three students who worked together to create a Rubric. Rubric is a guide listing specific criteria for grading or scoring academic papers, projects or tests. We learnt that Rubric is required to be made to delineate consistent criteria for grading.

The Goal of this Artifact, Subject & Grade:

The goal of today's learning was to create a scoring guide to evaluate the quality of students' constructed responses. 

Reflection on ease/difficulty of learning and use of Technology:

The affluence of learning to use of Rubric was very easy because we were provided detailed instructions during the lab and step by step guide was really a great help. Learning this scoring tool to evaluate and assess a set list of criteria and objectives was quite informative.

Possible Uses in Education:

I'll use Rubric while instructing Royal Canadian Army and Air Cadets and during training development assignments to attain  standardised grades and results.