Professional Learning: Quick Images 

This professional learning project consists of a single artifact that is focused on a quick number talk routine known as quick images. Within the presentation is a description of the routine, opportunity to practice the routine,  and resources for quick images and other number talks organized by grade level.

Number Talk Routine: Quick Images

Above you will find the artifact that utilized to facilitate a professional learning experience that focused on a number talk routine known as quick images.. The artifact is the presentation that I created in order to facilitate this interactive professional learning experience (III.v.a.).  The purpose of  providing this professional learning experience was to help teachers create opportunities to help students develop positive mathematical identities by providing quick and fun routines that all learners are able to access and thus share their mathematical thinking (II.c.ii., III.ii.a., III.ii.b., III.ii.d., III.iv.a.).

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

II.c.ii. Use multiple strategies, including listening to and understanding the ways students think about mathematics, to assess students’ mathematical knowledge.

III.ii.a. Engage in and facilitate continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice;

III.ii.b. enhance learning opportunities for all students’ and teachers’ mathematical knowledge development;

III.ii.d. advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.

III.iv.a. Evaluate educational structures and policies that affect students' equitable access to high quality mathematics instruction, and act professionally to assure that all students have appropriate opportunities to learn important mathematics.

III.v.a. Use mathematics-focused instructional leadership skills to improve mathematics programs at the school and district levels,