Mathematics Classroom Student Survey

This is an example of the anonymous mathematics classroom student survey that I conducted in order to gain insight into students thoughts about our learning environment.

I developed this anonymous survey in order to gain honest insight into how students are feeling about our mathematics learning environment. I believe that feedback is important and will help me improve my own practice and ability to develop and maintain a learning environment in which students thrive ( II.a.iii. & III.v.c.). My hope was to determine what was going well and then work together to continue developing our learning environment. I shared this work with my grade level team and they conducted the survey as well. We then debriefed the experience  and results in order to reflect on our own practice and develop next steps (III.iii.c. & III.ii.d.). This process was challenging and required quite a lot of vulnerability but definitely helped me improve my ability to coach and support my colleagues in being reflective practitioners (III.iii.c. & III.ii.d.).

Mathematics Specialist Standards

II.a.iii. Understand cultural differences among learners (e.g., algorithms or learning practices familiar to different groups of learners) and utilize this knowledge to motivate and extend learning opportunities for individuals and groups of learners. 

III.iii.c. support teachers in systematically reflecting and learning from practice.

III.ii.d. advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.

III.v.c. develop appropriate classroom- or school-level learning environments;