Professional Development Experience

This project consists of four major components: the professional development presentation for orchestrating productive discourse, a written reflection for the professional development experience, the professional development plan utilized in thinking through this professional development experience, and a template of the tool for orchestrating productive discourse, 

Orchestrating Productive Discourse
Tapio Professional Learning Project
Tapio 12.3_professional_development_planning_template

Professional Learning Planner

Tool for Orchestration Productive Discourse 

Above you will find 4 artifacts utilized in this professional development experience that is focused on Orchestrating Productive Discourse using the 5 Practices. The first artifact is the presentation that I created in order to facilitate this professional development experience (III.iii.b., III.ii.a., & III.v.b.). While the focal point of this presentation is centered on orchestrating productive discourse  there are also resources for identifying cognitively demanding worthwhile tasks and questions for assessing and advancing student thinking (III.ii.a., III.ii.b., III.ii.c., III.ii.d., III.iii.a., III.iii.b., III.iii.c., III.v.a. & III.v.b.).  Next, you will find a written reflection for this professional development experience. This reflection consists of two sections. The first section centers on the pre-planning process such as: setting goals for the professional learning, as well as the rationale behind the goal, teacher knowledge, beliefs, dispositions,  and plans for interactions during the experience. The second section focuses on the facilitation moves and planning process for the experience (III.iii.a., III.iii.b., III.iii.c., III.v.a., III.v.b, III.v.d., III.v.e., & III.v.f.). Then you will find the professional learning planner that I created to think through each portion of the experience (III.ii.b. & III.iii.a.). Finally, you will find the template of the Tool for Orchestrating Productive Discourse which was the primary resource used by participants (III.iii.b.).

Mathematics Specialist Standards

III.ii.a. Engage in and facilitate continuous and collaborative learning that draws upon research in mathematics education to inform practice;

III.ii.b. enhance learning opportunities for all students’ and teachers’ mathematical knowledge development;

III.ii.c. involve colleagues and other school professionals, families, and various stakeholders; and 

III.ii.d. advance the development in themselves and others as reflective practitioners as they utilize group processes to collaboratively solve problems, make decisions, manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.

III.iii.a. Plan, develop, implement, and evaluate professional development programs at the school and/or district level; 

III.iii.b. use and assist teachers in drawing upon resources from professional mathematics education organizations such as teacher/leader discussion groups, teacher networks, and print, digital, and virtual resources/collections; and

III.iii.c. support teachers in systematically reflecting and learning from practice.

III.v.a. Use mathematics-focused instructional leadership skills to improve mathematics programs at the school and district levels,

III.v.b. e.g., serve as coach/mentor/content facilitator – providing feedback to colleagues to strengthen practice and improve student learning;

III.v.d. establish and maintain learning communities;

III.v.e. partner with school-based professionals to improve each student’s achievement;

III.v.f. mentor new and experienced teachers to better serve students.