Practicum Proposal & Log

This practicum proposal and log is a reflective snapshot of the planning, facilitation, data analysis, and collaboration that regularly occurs within professional learning communities, classroom, and general practice. 

Tapio CI 518 Practicum Proposal Log Rubric

I have included my practicum proposal and log. This log is a snap shot of  just some of the work that occurs within my practice, classroom, and community on a regular basis. Some of the activities that are included within this  log include ways in which I facilitate discourse with in my classroom, the implementation of differentiated instruction (II.c.iv. & II.b.ix.), the ways that I utilize my personal knowledge to support mathematics instruction in my school community (III.iv.b. & III.v.a.), and the ways that I learned more about my students as mathematicians (II.a.iii.). Completing this log allowed me to think critically about the ways that I am supporting my students and school community with regard to mathematics instruction and the areas that I would like to focus more attention on.

Mathematics Specialist Standards 

III.iv.b. e.g., evaluate the alignment of mathematics curriculum standards, textbooks, and required assessments and make recommendations for addressing learning and achievement gaps

III.v.a. Use mathematics-focused instructional leadership skills to improve mathematics programs at the school and district levels

II.c.iv. Select, use, adapt, and determine the suitability of mathematics curricula and teaching materials 

(e.g., textbooks, technology, manipulatives) for particular learning goals.

II.b.ix. Develop skillful and flexible use of different instructional formats—whole group, small group, partner, 

and individual—in support of learning goals.

II.a.iii. Understand cultural differences among learners (e.g., algorithms or learning practices familiar to different 

groups of learners) and utilize this knowledge to motivate and extend learning opportunities for individuals and groups 

of learners.