What do we do?

School Counseling: It is my job as your child's school counselor to help all students develop the skills needed to reach their fullest potential in their academic, personal, social/emotional, and career growth. Services provided by the counseling department include school wide support, whole class lessons, small groups and individual support to facilitate the social and emotional growth and development of children.

The developmental level of each child is taken into consideration as assistance is offered. All students are entitled to access to counseling services and may be referred by their parent, classroom teacher or other school staff member. Students can also ask for counseling assistance by contacting me directly.

Additionally, I am happy to connect families to community resources and supports when a child’s or family's needs are outside of the realm of what the school and the counseling department can offer.

School Social Work: I work closely with the school counselor and Beach team to help decrease the barriers that students and families face in accessing school. I focus on issues of equity and justice, working closely with families who have been traditionally left behind or mistreated. I get to work with students and families as individuals, in small groups, in their classes, and with their families, helping them navigate complicated systems for resources and supports. Connecting to services can be difficult, and I am here to help! School social work has an extra focus on building safer and more inclusive communities, both inside the school as well as in our whole Beach community. It is my job to work with our teachers, administrators, and parents to help us all highlight our strengths and move forward together.

Students, families, and teachers are all part of the community I serve. Anyone in the Beach community is encouraged to reach out to me for support.