Events and Announcements

March 11: Final Plan is Now Available

Click here to download a copy of the CPP Strategic Plan. This report represents the output of an open and transparent process, in which input was received from town halls, webinars, hundreds of small group discussions among subject matter experts, dedicated workshops, and focus group discussions. This is the final report of this phase of the community planning process. A FESAC subcommittee will now take up the next phase of this process, using this report to fulfill the charge for long-range strategic planning issued by DOE.

Click here to endorse the CPP Strategic Plan. By endorsing this plan, you are helping to send a message that we are united in pursuing our shared goals to advance our knowledge of plasma physics and to achieve fusion energy as a power source for the U.S. and the world.

Feb. 25: Draft Plan is Now Available

Click here to download a copy of the draft strategic plan. This plan is a revision of the document shared before the CPP-Houston meeting, and has been modified to reflect the feedback that was given at that meeting. This draft is intended to be a "near-final" copy; formatting and other minor issues will be corrected before the final release and do not need to be reported. However, if you feel that this document does not reflect the consensus output of the community planning process, please let us know here .

Important note: this plan does not include an Executive Summary. We are currently considering the feedback received after releasing the Draft Executive Summary (see below). The revised Executive Summary will be released shortly.

Feb. 5: Draft Executive Summary is Now Available

The draft executive summary for the Community Plan for Fusion Energy and Discovery Plasma Sciences is now available. Click here to download a pdf copy.

Comments regarding the executive summary can be submitted here.

CPP-Houston, January 13-17 2020, Houston TX

  • Create Disruptive Technologies (Friday, November 22 at 2:00 EST)
  • Understand the Plasma Universe (Monday, November 25, 2:00 EST)
  • Advance the Foundational Frontier (Tuesday, November 26, 2:00 EST)

  • Workshop will be held at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville
  • Please register by November 1 for the early registration discount. Registration deadline is November 12.

  • The workshop will be held at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA
  • This workshop will include a summary of the 1st workshop, refinement and discussion of initiatives, breakout sessions by expert groups, and forums on cross-cutting issues that affect all topical areas within FES .
  • Additional details, including the agenda and how to register, can be found on the workshop webpage.

MFE/FM&T Community Planning Process Webinar Series, November 7th 2:00 pm EST

  • Alan Lindenmoyer, "NASA Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) Program - A Model for Public Private Partnerships"

MFE/FM&T Community Planning Process Webinar Series, October 30th 2:00 pm EST

DPS Town Hall at APS-DPP Meeting, October 22, 2019, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

  • This town hall will be held from 7:45 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. in Broward Convention Center, Grand B

Presentation to University Fusion Association, October 21, 2019

  • Slides presented at the UFA meeting at the APS-DPP conference in Ft. Lauderdale

MFE/FM&T Community Planning Process Webinar Series, October 16th 1:30pm EST

USBPO Webinar, October 4, 2019

Presentation to FESAC, October 2, 2019

  • Slides from DPP-CPP co-chairs presenting overview, updates, and plans for DPP-CPP

FM&T-VLT Conference Call to discuss Magnets and Technologies September 17, Tuesday 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00 AM Pacific

FM&T-VLT Conference Call to discuss Measurements and Diagnostics September 19, Thursday 1:00 PM Eastern / 10:00 AM Pacific

FM&T-Plasma Material Interaction and High Heat Flux Expert Group weekly meeting-Wednesdays 12:00 PM Eastern / 9:00 AM Pacific

  • Contact George Tynan ( or Ane Lasa ( to join this expert group and receive the meeting connection details.

DPS-September 26, 2019 Town Hall at LASER AIDED PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS 2019

A town hall will be held in conjunction with this conference, . More details will follow.

HEDP-the IFE Townhall at the Z Fundamental Science Workshop, August 14, 1:15-4:30 pm MT

  • Held at the Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, NM
  • You can attend the Townhall without registering for the Workshop
  • You can also participate remotely via via

  • The first workshop for DPS will be held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Meeting registration and hotel information: Registration deadline: July 10
  • The deadline for submitting initiatives is July 1, 2019 if you would like to give a talk. Please note the Addendum for DPS initiatives.
  • This workshop overlaps with the Joint MFE and FM&T workshop. Cross-cutting activities for attendees of both workshops are anticipated.

  • The first workshop for MFE and FM&T will be held on the campus of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Meeting registration and hotel information: Registration deadline: July 10
  • The deadline for submitting initiatives is July 1, 2019 if you would like to give a talk.
  • This workshop overlaps with the DPS workshop. Cross-cutting activities for attendees of both workshops are anticipated.

  • The first workshop on High Energy Density Physics will be held at The Hotel at the University of Maryland in the Washington, D.C. area July 16 - 17, 2019. Please hold these dates in your calendar.
  • This workshop will include presentations on proposed FES initiatives, breakout sessions by expert groups for discussing and refining these initiatives, and forums on cross-cutting issues that affect all topical areas within FES.
  • The deadline for submitting initiatives is July 1 if you would like to give a talk at this workshop.
  • Registration is closed.

DPS- July 1, 2019 Initiative Deadline

Submit your initiative/proposal/white paper for DPS by July 1 to be considered for a presentation at the DPS workshop in July. Feedback is welcome at any time during the DPP-CPP and will be considered as much as time allows, but anything submitted after this deadline is not guaranteed to be considered for presentation at the first workshop.

HEDP-July 1, 2019 Initiative Deadline

Please submit an initiative white paper for discussion at the first HEDP workshop at the DPP-CPP website ( by July 1. The deadline is only for workshop planning purposes. Please note that we will continue to accept white papers and initiative proposals after this date, and revisions or updates can be submitted at any time throughout this process.

MFE and FM&T- *UPDATED* July 1, 2019 Initiative Deadline

Submit your initiative/proposal/white paper in the topical areas of MFE and/or FM&T by July 1 to be considered for a presentation at the MFE and FM&T workshop in July. Feedback is welcome at any time during the DPP-CPP and will be considered as much as time allows, but anything submitted after this deadline is not guaranteed to be considered for presentation at the first workshop.

FM&T-June 3-4, 2019 Town Halls at SOFE

SOFE will have two different but related town halls to allow maximum time for community engagement and participation. They will be held at the IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) at Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Note: Conference registration is not required to participate in the town hall meetings at SOFE. More information on the town halls' schedules will be released on the SOFE website

    • Monday June 3. 7:30-10:00 pm EST. DPP-CPP Town Hall
    • Monday's presentations can be found here.
          • 7:30—Overview of Town Hall and Goals-Lauren Garrison
          • 7:40—NAS Burning Plasma Report Highlights—Paul Humrickhouse
          • 8:00—Presentation on DPP-CPP –Lauren Garrison
          • 8:30—Small Group Discussion with Expert Group Leaders
      • Lauren Garrison and other Fusion Materials and Technology Program Committee members will present the latest information on the DPP-CPP. This will be a great time to get involved in Expert and Advocacy groups and make sure you have a voice in the planning process. Everyone, including students and post-docs, are encouraged to participate.
      • We aim to live webcast the presentations starting at 7:30 pm : . Please note, we will be unable to take questions online or webcast the small group discussions that will follow the presentations.
    • Tuesday June 4. 7:30-10:00 pm EST. The Future of Fusion – Transitioning to Energy Production
      • The SOFE program committee is organizing a series of short, high impact presentations with the goal of energizing the materials and technology community and inspiring actions for the next year and beyond. While this activity is not organized by the DPP-CPP, we encourage community attendance and will take note of discussion items.
      • This town hall will also be webcast:
      • All the Tuesday presentations can be found here.
      • Schedule:
        • 7:30 pm Introduction D. Meade
        • 7:45 pm Fusion Technology Contributions of ITER H. Altfeld
        • 8:10 pm Next US Fusion Energy Step and its Fusion Technology Needs Overview C. Kessel
        • 8:35 pm Reactor Compatibility Issues for Enabling Technologies D. Youchison
        • 9:00 pm ARPA-E Enabling Technologies for Commercially Viable Fusion Power S. Hsu
        • 9:20 pm Closing the Fusion Fuel Cycle – Tritium Breeding Blanket R&D P. Humrickhouse
        • 9:45 pm Qualifying Materials and Components for Next US Fusion Energy Step S. Zinkle
        • 10:10 pm Safety Requirements for a Compact Pilot Plant B. Merrill
        • 10:35 pm Closing Discussion- Action items for follow up to be led by VLT C. Kessel/VLT
        • 11:00 pm Adjourn

DPS-May 20-21, 2019 Workshop on Opportunities, Challenges, and Best Practices for Basic Plasma Science User Facilities

This workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, but anyone in the Plasma Physics Community is invited to participate remotely in this activity because it overlaps with the purpose of the DPP-CPP. The workshop organizers are Howard Milchberg (UMd) and Earl Scime (WVU), who is the co-chair of the Discovery Plasma Science topical area of the DPP-CPP. While onsite attendees are by invitation only, the workshop will be webcast so that anyone from the plasma community can participate. The workshop website is The agenda is and the webcast, including a mechanism for interactive question/comment submission is The conference organizers strongly encourage community participation in the workshop.

FM&T-May 20, 1 pm EST-Webinar for Proposal Preparation

Chuck Kessel and other members of the DPP-CPP Fusion Materials and Technology Program Committee will be available for questions and to facilitate the community discussion. This meeting will focus on community discussion of scientific gaps and challenges, identifying topics which need proposals (white papers), stimulating volunteers to write proposals, and identifying supporters and collaborators for these proposals. Connect to the webinar here

Presentation is here.

HEDP-May 16, 2019 NAS-CPP joint meeting

This event will be in Rochester, NY. More information here:

MFE - May 15, USBPO webinar: Planning Process for MFE: How to Get Involved

Dr. Howard will give a short description of the planning process and an update on current and upcoming events. After the presentation, he and the other MFE co-chairs will answer questions from participants. We hope you will join this discussion.

Connect to the webinar:

Slides can be found here.

FM&T-May 13, 1 pm EST-Webinar and Discussion on DPP-CPP Expert Groups and Proposal Submission

Lauren Garrison and Chuck Kessel, members of the DPP-CPP Fusion Materials and Technology Program Committee, will give an overview of the Expert Group topics and present some examples of proposal topics (white papers). The goal of this web discussion is to gather feedback from the community, sign up volunteers to be members of Expert Groups, and start the discussion of proposal topics including forming collaborations between scientists and engineers at different institutions.

Garrison slides are here. Kessel slides are here. Kessel example proposal is here

FM&T-May 9, 11 am EST-NAS Burning Plasma Report Webinar

Webinar at 11 am EST on Thursday, May 9. Brian Wirth will give an overview of the recent NAS Burning Plasma Report with an emphasis on topics central to the fusion materials and technology community. Connect to the webinar here

HEDP-May 2, 2019 Community Webinar

Webinar held at 1 pm ET led by Carolyn Kuranz, the DPP CPP co-chair for the High Energy Density Physics topical area

Join via bluejeans with instructions from this DPP-CPP Google Group post

April 18, 2019 Joint Workshop

With the NAS Decadal Assessment of Plasma Science at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ

Download slides from the DPP-CPP Co-Chairs presentation here

MFE-April 17, 2019 Town Hall

Located at Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Princeton, NJ

FM&T-April 15, 2019 Community Webinar

Webinar held at 3 pm ET

Download slides from the DPP-CPP Co-Chairs presentation here

MFE-March 19, 2019 Town Hall

Held at TTF Workshop (Austin, TX).

Download slides from the DPP-CPP Co-Chairs presentation here