PassPORTS Blended Access Field Trips

Hello California Educators!

The new passPORTS project is an extension of the California State Parks PORTS program. We are working with educators from around the state to re-imagine the school field trip: providing blended field-trip experiences for students and teachers to learn about the environmental, scientific, cultural, and historic richness of California!

If you teach at a Title 1 public school, you are eligible for up to $1000 in reimbursements for your field trip related expenses.  Learn how you can participate below!

What is Blended-Access?

Blended-Access  means we blend virtual and in-person experiences to create a robust learning experience for your students, and help integrate classroom learning with live exploration at the park.

PassPORTS is FULL for the 22-23 School Year!

Steps for Planning Your Funded Blended-Access Field Trip:

Start Your passPORTS Journey Now.!

Schedule a virtual consultation today.


PORTS K-12 Access Coordinator