Leo Carrillo State Park

Book an in-person field trip for Leo Carrillo State Park

The tidepools of Leo Carrillo are an incredibly unique place where many plants and animals live together under extreme conditions. Meeting on the edge of the Santa Monica Mountains in Malibu, freshwater streams into the ocean creating a natural estuary. Here we explore what a tide pool is, what kinds of living things you'll find in them, and why they're important. Along with learning all about tide pools, we discuss how humans impact this special area along with deep ocean animals. By learning about this ecosystem, you can help become a protector of this special place.

There is one type of in-person field trip offered at Leo Carrillo State Beach.

  • Guided Tour: 90-minute exploration of 2-3 locations in the park designed for K-12. See the calendar below to learn more!

Please Note: In our ongoing efforts to have as low an impact as possible on our amazing beach, we limit this class field trip to one classroom with a maximum of 40 students. Thank you for understanding, our beach ecosystem thanks you as well.

You and your students may be eligible for re-imbursement of transportation costs for your in-person field trip to Leo Carrillo State Park. Click here to learn more!

Be sure to prepare for your in-person field trip with a PORTS program! Click here to schedule your virtual field trip