Week One

24th April - 28th April

Kia Ora whanau and welcome back to Term 2! We have a short week this week, and Friday is Chanel Day where we dress up in GREEN. ANZAC Day has just been and with Chanel Day this Friday, we will be focusing all our learning for these three days, on them. Matua Rob is in on Thursday as usual and we welcome Whaea Wai, who will be in our class each morning until Sittie is all healed up from her operation.

Weekly Contract


On this Week

Wednesday - Welcome Back! 

        First Day of Term 2 2023

Thursday - Tech for Y7s

Friday - Chanel Day - Dress up in GREEN. 

Go Girls for ALL Y7 Girls 9-11am

What our learning looks like this week


Conversions in the Metric System. We are learning about how to move between teaspoons and tablespoons.


LI: To realise, understand and empathise with what others went through in the First World War 

Through our shared Text, and the guided reading you have in your groups we will be learning about ANZAC Day, The first worls war and creating a visual timeline of the things that happened in the war. 

Religious Education

St Peter Chanel

Learning about this famous Saint who was martyred in Futuna in 1841. Creating infographs of him and his life.

Activities for this week


Te Reo Māori

CHALLENGE: To say the Ode of Remembrance in Te Reo

PRACTICE: Your Pepeha and your mihi

The Ode of Remembrance

They shall grow not old, 

as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, 

nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun, 

and in the morning,

We remember them.

E kore rātou e kaumātuatia

Pēnei i a tātou kua mahue nei

E kore hoki rātou e ngoikore

Ahakoa pehea i ngā āhuatanga o te wā

I te hekenga atu o te rā

Tae noa ki te arangamai i te ata

Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou

Physical Education

Y7s Girls - Go Girls

AIMS Practice and a game on Friday afternoon


Daily Check ins and toothbrushing program


Creating Poppies from words related to ANZAC Day and the War

Making ANZAC Biscuits - Hypothesizing about how different recipes and ingredients change the outcome of the biscuit. Using 2-3 recipes.