Week Eight

Term 3 Week 6

What's on this week?

Monday -  Prayer Assembly

Tuesday - Mass at Totara Point

Wednesday -  Mass with Piwakawaka

Thursday - Matua Rob in 

Friday - Fit Kids - Girls, Food Tech - Boys Tech Y7s

What our learning looks like this week

Maths - Pāngarau

Tatauranga Kākāpō

Li: Probability Introductions

Defining mean median mode and range


Religious Education 

Social Justice Week

Te Reo Māori

Kei te aha koe? What are you doing? 

Learning to respond in te reo and to ask to go to the bathroom/for a drink in Te Reo - "e haere ana ahau ki te wharepaku/inuwai?"

Physical Education and Health 

Fit Kids

Rippa if rain stays away


Y7s Tech

Film presentations