Week Four

Weekly Contract

Term 3 Week 4

What's on this week?

Monday -  Prayer Assembly

Tuesday - Whaea Donna in

Wednesday -  

Thursday - Matua Rob in. School Photos and Te Hiku Speech Comp

Friday - Mrs Davis in.Girls - Fit Kids 9-10      Andy's last day

Y7s Tech 10-11 Assembly

Te Hiku Speech Comp

What our learning looks like this week


LI:  Divide numbers using long division

We are learning to use long division to divide 3+digit numbers. 

We are using our multiplication and division fact knowledge to do this.

Writing Focus: Writing for different purposes

Dear Future me letter Draft and Published.

You are writing a letter to yourself in 10 years time, asking yourself questions, telling yourself what you love and do now, what is on top for you and what you want to be when you grow up. Think about your aspirations, your goals for yourself and what you want to be doing when you are 20/21/22. What do you think your life will look like? Who do you want to be? Write a letter and find out. I will keep it and post it to you in 10 years time.djlkjdkljaf;klj

Set 5 (PAGE 2)

Daily Literacy Practice - Set 1.pdf

Set 6 (PAGE 2)

Daily Literacy - Set 1.pdf

Set 7 (PAGE 2)

Daily Literacy Practice - Set 1.pdf

Religious Education 

The Assumption of Mary


Te Reo Māori

Kapa Haka Practice, Purakau research and Te Reo lessons

Physical Education and Health

Crack the Code 

Fit Kids


Y7s Tech

Digital Education with Whaea Donna

Film Making