Choral Boosters

Everyone is singing the praises of the Pleasant Valley Community School District vocal program!

From elementary through junior high to high school, our students learn choral music from top-notch music instructors.

The Pleasant Valley Choral Boosters support all levels of the district choirs by:

· Raising funds for scholarships, music, uniforms, or other needed equipment

· Volunteering at concerts, providing refreshments and other support

· Publicizing our vocal music program in our community

· Providing support and funding assistance for special events, honor choirs, and choir trips

· Supporting district vocal music teachers with needed purchases, in every building, at every level

How can you help?

Become a Choral Boosters Patron!

Our patron program is an easy, tax-deductible way to contribute!

Join at one of the following levels:

Tuning Up $5-$49

Applause $50-$99

Standing Ovation. $100-$199

Encore. $200-$299

Maestro $300-$399

Virtuoso. $500 and up

Click here to donate to our Patron Program

Come to a meeting!

The Boosters meet in the PVHS Library, beginning at 6:30 PM, once a month. Please see our Calendar page for dates.

Support our fundraisers!

This year our students are selling Butter Braids and Greenery, in support of future travel and supporting the Choral Boosters.

Contact us!

We can always use volunteers to help with refreshments, uniforms, chaperoning, photography, or other jobs. You may also see our volunteer calendar using Charms.

Help us continue to provide enrichment opportunities for the Pleasant Valley Choirs.

Keep the voices singing! Join the Pleasant Valley Choral Boosters!