Whats New?
Upcoming PCL Events
Join the social committee and help plan our upcoming events! See the dates and events below.
Pleasantview Sticker Contest
Congratulations to our sticker contest winner Aria Reid! Look for her sticker at the Neighbourhood Scavenger Hunt and at the upcoming Fall Festival on Sept 21st.
Second place went to Erika Madsen and third went to Alyssa Reid, honorable mention to Mabel the dog.
Latest Newletter

Playground Updates!!!
Pleasantview is getting a reNEWed playground !! It has been a long process (over five years!) Pleasantview received a CFEP grant from the Government of Alberta in late 2023 along with City of Edmonton funding and the Pleasantview Community league board support to renew the playground at Angus Murray Park (beside the tennis courts/hall/hockey rink).
Construction will begin June/July 2024 and be completed this year!! This is a very exciting time for all of the dedicated VOLUNTEERS who have and continue to put in the time to make this happen. Thank you for your continued effort and support.
NEW: Final Design has been selected in part by community vote and City of Edmonton project team. Construction will begin mid - June until fall 2024.
For more information, check out the Playground Updates page in the navigation bar!
What We Heard Report

Dues collected from membership sales provide much needed funds for community leagues to accomplish their mandate of bringing community residents together, and improving the community and the quality of life for all residents.
Membership is voluntary. However, with your purchase of an annual community league membership, along with funds raised from various activities that are carried on throughout the year, as well as grants from the city and the provincial government, the Pleasantview Community League is able to provide residents with:
Enhanced facilities, such as the play areas, tennis courts, skating rink and the community hall.
Community events such as the Fall Potluck, Family Halloween party, Ladies’ Night, Men’s Night, educational, safety & wellness programs and recreation opportunities.
The Pleasantview Community Newsletter and Website.
An opportunity to share ideas with your neighbours and work together to promote positive change in your community.
Simply show your Pleasantview Community League Membership Card and enjoy:
Discounts on Pleasantview Community Hall rentals.
Free access to tennis courts at the community hall.
Free outdoor skating at the rinks and all other community operated rinks in Edmonton.
Discount prices on some Community League events in the city.
Access to community programs and seasonal sports programs, such as soccer, which require community league membership.
Discounts at City Recreation Centres for annual and multi-admission passes.
Additionally, with the purchase of a Pleasantview Community League Membership you get access to discounts such as:
City of Edmonton Community League Wellness Program
Reduced rates to City of Edmonton recreational facilities through the Community League Wellness Program which offers the following discounts:
Annual Membership – 20% discount on Adult, Family, Child, and Youth/Senior Annual Memberships.
Multi Admission Pass* – 15% discount on already discounted multi admission pass (5+ visits) *Applies to new purchases only.
Continuous Monthly Membership – 20% discount on an on-going monthly membership.
League member exclusive: Save up to 10% on home and auto insurance, and everything in between, with NFP
We’re working to save League members money. That’s why the EFCL has partnered with NFP to bring League members exclusive new insurance offerings, including up to 10% savings and best-in-class customer service. More here: Not a member of your League and want to find more ways to save? Find and join your Community League here:
Cloverdale Paint
Show your Community League membership card, mention Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (code 057EFCL) and receive wholesale pricing at any Cloverdale Paint location. Find your closest Cloverdale Paint store.
Free Skating at Outdoor Community League Rinks
Find the closest outdoor community league rink to you by clicking Find a Facility / League, go to ‘Facility Amenities’ and select ‘Rink’.
Skate tags are available when you purchase your membership.
House of Wheels
House of Wheels is Alberta’s largest indoor skatepark for scootering, skateboarding, BMXing, etc. They are dedicated to ensuring anyone can find and enjoy the world of action sports in a fun and supervised indoor site. Perfect for our city’s long, cold winters. Located on 88th street, just off the Whitemud.
Show your Community League membership card for a 10% discount on pass prices. Check or
Orbis Sports offers Community League Discount
Orbis Sports has a number of offers available. Click, book or call for more information. Promo code: EFCL23
Software application training at the Technology Training Centre
Receive a 25% discount off Microsoft and Adobe courses. Learn to use MS Excel, create great designs in Adobe Indesign, or learn to work smarter with Outlook or Google Apps. The Technology Training Centre has amazing instructors to help you learn to be more efficient in all your computer work.
See our course listings at When you register select Edmonton Community League Member as the registration type. The discount will be applied. You will be asked to show a valid community league membership when you attend the training.
Email or call 780492-1397 to learn more about the training options available or to discuss group training.
U of A crested clothing, and branded promotions from the U of A Bookstore
Visit the U of A Bookstore and show your community league membership to receive a 10% discount on clothing and giftware, or visit our website and let us ship the product right to your door. Add the code EFCL10 to the special offers codes during checkout and receive your discount.
Contact the Bookstore special orders for preferred pricing to community league members on promotional products, sportswear, gift, awards and corporate apparel.
Email or phone 780.492.3260 to access all of our promotional product lines or visit our website at
Note: You will have to pay all applicable administration fees if you purchase your membership online through or through any Servus Credit Union branch.
Seniors: $10
Singles: $15
Family: $30
PCL Memberships can be purchased in any of the following ways:
Option 1: Purchase online at The full membership fee is remitted to the Community League.
Option 2: Attend a Community League social event e.g. Men's Night, Ladies' Night, Fall Potluck, Annual General Meeting or a Community League Board meeting, in the Marshall Centre (usually first Thursday of the month, September - June).
Option 3: Purchase at any Edmonton Servus Credit Union branch. Closest branch to Pleasantview is located in Southgate Mall, #6, 5015 - 111 St. Edmonton, AB T6H 4M6. There is an administration fee.
Your Pleasantview Community League Membership is valid from Sept. 1st to Aug. 31st. You are welcome to join anytime throughout the year, but please note, all memberships expire annually on August 31st.
If you have any questions regarding memberships, please email
Afterschool Youth Pass
Get access to all City of Edmonton fitness centres, pools, gyms and more! Valid for youth ages 8-17
Weekdays only! Must scan in or drop in between 1-5:30pm.
Monthly memberships for the after-school youth pass are just $15/month or drop-in for $2/day.
For more information, visit
Want to take on an active role within your community league?
Volunteer with us and join our board!
Stay Informed:
Catch Basins:
Our crews are working 24/7 to respond to catch basin ponding requests. Catch basins are the drains in your neighbourhood that allow water to drain into the storm water system. Thank you to the residents who are submitting those catch basin requests through 311. There are over 63,000 catch basins across the city, so knowing where these issues are helps us get to them in a timely manner.
Did you know? The Open Data Portal has a map of every catch basin here: