S5/6 Information

General Information for S5/6

What options are open to me at the end of FOURTH YEAR?

➢ Attend Perth Academy for fifth year to acquire additional qualifications.

➢ Attend Further Education College. Locally the main college is Perth College. Details about college can be found on the college page of this site.

➢ Leave school and obtain a job. If you want to leave school and find a full-time job you are free to do so, providing you are old enough.

There are two school leaving dates each year:

1. A pupil whose 16th birthday falls between 1st March and 30th September may leave school at the end of May of their S4 year in school.

2. A pupil whose 16th birthday falls between 1st October and the end of February may leave at Christmas. People in this position MUST be in education until the Christmas of S5 either full time at College or at Perth Academy in S5.

What options are open to me at the end of FIFTH YEAR?

➢ Return to Perth Academy for a sixth year.

➢ Leave school and enter Higher Education in a University or College.

➢ Leave school and attend a Further Education College.

➢ Take time out of studying and plan a gap year.

➢ Leave school and obtain a job.

What options are open to me at the end of SIXTH YEAR?

➢ Leave school and enter Higher Education in a University or College.

➢ Leave school and attend a Further Education College.

➢ Take time out of studying and plan a gap year.

➢ Leave school and obtain a job.

How many subjects will I study this year?

Fifth year pupils: All pupils study five subjects. S5 pupils will also engage in a new life skills programme in which you will have opportunities to continue to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work with a continuous focus on literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing.

Pupils expecting passes at National 5 should attempt five Highers in fifth year. Recent research shows that those who take on a heavier workload will in the end come up with better results than pupils of comparable ability who take less demanding courses. For university entrance, the typical "going rate" is four Highers at A or B, but the more popular courses will demand more than this.

Remember that to attempt Higher, you should have a pass at National 5 level at B or better.

Further guidance will be given on your individual options before making your choice of subjects.

You will continue to have:

- 1 period per week of Personal and Social Education which will allow personal support to enable you to gain as much as possible from the opportunities that exist within the school and support your planning for transition beyond school.

- A further period will be spent exploring a range of issues and concepts in Religious and Moral Education.

Sixth year pupils: In sixth year, you will be expected to take at least 4 courses. Unless you are taking 3 courses at Advanced Higher level.

You will also be given the opportunity to participate in a range of electives and become involved in the wider life of the school.

S6 is seen very much as a bridging point to the adult world, to further study, be it at College or University and to the world of work. You are encouraged, if you wish to become a Prefect but everyone is expected to become an ambassador for the school and a role model for more junior year groups.

NPA and Highers, what you need to know?

The school and college are running many National Progression Awards (NPAs) at level 5 and 6. These courses offer a broader range of subject areas for you to choose in your course choice decisions and can be more career and industry related., helping better prepare you for the world of world. NPAs are assessed on a Pass or Fail basis unlike Higher qualifications. If you are planning on applying for University courses, please check the University entry requirements regarding NPAs. More information regarding NPAs can be found using this SQA link: NQGA - National Certificates (NCs) and National Progression Awards (NPAs) - SQA and also the SCQF framework explains the correlation between all qualifications About the Framework | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (scqf.org.uk)

Why might I not get all of my first choices?

We try our best to give pupils all of their choices, however on some occasions this is not always possible. This can be down to a number of reasons such as those noted below, and it is therefore really important that pupils think carefully about their reserve choices.

  • Too many pupils have selected this subject for the number of classes that we can run, this can be due to number of staff in the department, facilities/equipment.

  • Not enough pupils have selected that subject which means the class is not viable to run that year.

  • Staffing can change during the course choice process which means a subject can no longer run,

  • There may be a clash between the two subjects that a pupil wishes to take, as both run at the same time they will need to choice one as a first choice and another choice in a different column.

If we cannot accommodate a pupils subject choices, we will use their reserve choices. If there are any problems with your choices, your Guidance Teacher will re-interview you to discuss your course choice options again.

College Options

Perth City Campus and Tayside Virtual Campus

YASS Courses

S5 into S6 course choice from 22.pdf

S5 into S6 course choice form

S4 into S5 course choice from 22.pdf

S4 into S5 course choice form

S4-6 learner pathways.pptx

Are you a Christmas leaver?

If you are in S4 and turning 16 before 30 September 2022 you can leave school after 31 May 2022. However, if your 16th birthday falls between 1 October 2022 and last day of February 2023 you are a winter leaver. Winter leavers cannot leave school until the start of the 2022 Christmas holidays.

If you are a winter leaver you can choose to stay on at school for S5 or you can consider a full time college course instead. If you fall into this category, you should discuss the options open to you with your Guidance Teacher.

What funding support may be available to me?

  • Perth Academy War Memorial Bursary: This bursary, of £100 a year for up to four years, is awarded, if funds are available, to a pupil going on to university. Application to be made in writing to the Rector.

  • Perth Academy Endeavour Trust: This fund can award grants to pupils taking a "year out" on a demanding project overseas which requires funding. A letter to the Rector is required, applying for a grant.

  • Educational Maintenance Allowance: Anyone staying on at school after the leaving age 16 can apply for this, the level of award depends on family income. Application form and further details are available from the school. Further information can be obtained through the EMA website www.emascotland.com