S3 Information

General Information for moving into S3

This time of year is a very important stage in the educational life of second year pupils as you and your child make decisions regarding the experiences and subjects he/she will engage with in S3, the final year of the Broad General Education. This information has been prepared so that you know which courses are being offered in S3, what they involve and the progression they allow into National Qualifications, starting in S4.

Our purpose is to provide a high quality, all-round education for each of our young people. The school community wants to support all our pupils to be all they can be. For each individual pupil we aim to provide a broad range of appropriate educational experiences to ensure preparation for adult life. Our courses seek to develop successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and young people who are effective contributors. The Broad General Education is the keystone of the government’s philosophy. The S3 experience should include participation in a wide range of experiences and outcomes, including a blend of curricular areas and subjects as well as some activities to develop personal achievement. Learners will receive increased opportunities to specialise in their chosen subjects across different curricular areas in line with their entitlements to a Broad and General Education. Your son/daughter’s S3 course option includes opportunities to choose a wide range of curricular subjects and opportunities for personal achievement.

The courses chosen now will last for the duration of S3 and your son/daughter will review their curriculum choices near the end of S3, prior to making the transition to the Senior Phase. New national Qualifications have been introduced for study from the start of the Senior Phase in S4. They are called National 3, 4 and 5, and are designed to assess the core skills being developed in Curriculum for Excellence. Details of these courses are found in this booklet for your information. Your son/daughter should be looking to choose subjects for S3 which they can progress with through into the Senior Phase and National Qualifications. It is important for you to be aware that we are currently reviewing the Perth Academy Senior Phase curriculum structure. Under the new structure, students making the transition into the Senior Phase will sit no more than 7 National Qualifications in S4. Great care will be taken in school to ensure that your son/daughter makes the correct choice and advice and guidance will be given by class teachers. Your son/daughter will also have a personal interview with his/her guidance teacher to discuss their choices. While it is not impossible to pick up new courses of study in S4, well planned natural progression in subject areas clearly offers the best possible chances of success for learners, so it is important to make the right decisions now.

Making the best choices

In S3 you will choose nine subjects from the large number available plus two half-year skills focussed wider achievement opportunities. So that your course is properly planned to give you a good all-round education, some subjects are compulsory. Two periods of core Physical Education, one period of Social Education and one period of Religious Education will automatically feature on everyone’s timetable. In addition, you must take English and Maths.

The course choice form will be arranged in columns. You should choose one subject from each remaining column aiming to create a course which is broad and balanced. If you think this sounds confusing, it should be clear once you get your course choice form. Your child will be supported through the PSE programme to help make their choice. Each pupil will have a 1:1 interview to discuss these decisions and parent/carers will have the opportunity to meet

When making your choice, choose subjects which will challenge you, but not subjects which will be too difficult for you. Look carefully at the comments on your report, which are designed to tell you how well you will be able to cope with further study of each subject and ask your teachers for advice.

If you already have some idea of your intended career, find out which subjects you will need to take to help you follow that pathway. Some subjects on the course choice form will be new to you, if you want more information about them speak to a teacher in that department. Some departments offer skills for work courses; e.g. hospitality, sport and recreation, child care, uniformed and emergency services. These help you investigate and develop interview techniques, positive approaches to future employment and in many cases involve some experience in a real-life work situation. These new courses are offered at a variety of levels and are fully credited by the SQA.

Why might I not get all my choices?

We try our best to give pupils all of their choices, however on some occasions this is not always possible. This can be down to a number of reasons such as those noted below, and it is therefore really important that pupils think carefully about their reserve choices.

  • Too many pupils have selected this subject for the number of classes that we can run, this can be due to number of staff in the department, facilities/equipment.

  • Not enough pupils have selected that subject which means the class is not viable to run that year.

  • Staffing can change during the course choice process which means a subject can no longer run,

  • There may be a clash between the two subjects that a pupil wishes to take, as both run at the same time they will need to choice one as a first choice and another choice in a different column.

If we cannot accommodate a pupils subject choices, we will use their reserve choices. If there are any problems with your choices, your Guidance Teacher will re-interview you to discuss your course choice options again.

My world of work

My world of work can help to make your choices and inform your decisions, click the link to take you to their website. Discover skills and careers that is right for you.

S2 into S3 Column choices

S2 into S3 course choice form 22 columns.pdf

S2 into S3 option form

Option form S2 into S3 2022.pdf
S3 learner pathways.pptx

In S3 you will choose nine subjects across all departments. Click on the picture to the left which will take to the list of subjects on offer and provide a description with more information.