Career Information

S2 Course Choice.pptx
Senior Course Choice Evening Presentation.pptx

School Careers Adviser

Our Careers Adviser is Alasdair Reid who can advise you about future pathways and course choice. His office is located in Room 33a in the English Corridor, but you can also contact him by email on How to get in touch


Text or Phone: 07825034964

Perth Office: 01738 637639

What is the Careers Service in Scotland?

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. We contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills. We work with our partners to provide services that deliver the very best outcomes for Scotland’s people, businesses and the economy.

Here at Skills Development Scotland (SDS) we support pupils, parents and teachers with a comprehensive range of career information advice and guidance (CIAG) services.

Scotland's national skills agency | Skills Development Scotland

What does that mean for me?

P7/S1 - will receive an introductory group session on Careers during PSE

S2 - will receive a subject choice related group session in classes during PSE and will be offered a 1:1 appointment to discuss subject choices for S3.

S3 - will receive a group session on Careers during PSE. 1:1 sessions will begin for pupils.

S4 - will receive a group session on Careers during PSE. 1:1 sessions will take place for pupils throughout the year.

S5/S6 - will receive 1:1 sessions on options for after school and choices.

Parents/Carers - can access information through our careers website My World of Work.

Appointments can also be made at S4/S5/S6 Parents Evenings.

How to get in touch:

Your SDS Careers Adviser is based in school 4 days a week;

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

The Careers Room is Room 33a in the English Corridor.

Should you wish an appointment please drop by the Careers Room or request one through your guidance teacher.

Course Choice Information

If you are in S2, S4 or S5 and are struggling to make choices about your subjects for the next year of school you can arrange to see your Careers Adviser for a 1:1 conversation and support.

Advisers will not make the decisions for you but will help guide you to choose the subjects that are relevant for your future Career options.

What can your adviser help with?

Your Careers Adviser can provide advice and guidance on a range of options for after school including; College, University, Employment, Training and Apprenticeships by working on your Career Management Skills.

You can also discuss your course choice options, get help with applying for college, university and jobs, or have a general conversation about what to do next.

If you are unsure about your options after school please get in touch with your adviser to receive support as early as possible.

All S4 who are planning to leave school at the end of S4 should be seen by an adviser to get support with options.

Your adviser is here to help you so please remember it is for your benefit and is aimed to support you with your choices.

Useful sites to help with option choices: