Journal prompts

For decades mountains of research have shown the benefits of writing too: It helps you work through your thoughts and emotions, regulates your feelings, and teaches you to express what you're going through.


Make a list of your strengths on a piece of paper. Choose the three best things about yourself, and write what you like about them. It can be hard to think of our own strengths. If it's hard to think of something, imagine what someone who loves you would say are your best strengths, and write about those. 


Start a gratitude journal. Every day for a week, write down one thing that you are grateful for. Write a description of why you are grateful for it. Try to describe it as if you are explaining it to someone from a different planet, who has never seen/heard of it before. 

Intergalactic traveler

Imagine you have just arrived to Earth from another planet. You land in the room you are currently sitting in. Look around you, and write about what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel (touch). Describe the sensations as if they are all brand new to you.


What was your favorite place as a child? Was it a tree house? A secret hiding spot in your neighborhood? Describe in as much detail as possible. What made that space special? 


How has your day-to-day life changed with COVID-19? What changes do you hope will last?

Your future self

What does your future life look? Where would you live and what goals will you accompish? What challenges will you overcome?