Large Animal Science

Large Animal Science 

This science based class provides students the basis to understand that all facets of modern agriculture are based on science discovery. Students will explore and discover the agriculture industry, particularly large animals in the Pittsville area. The course curriculum is enhanced through taking field trips and lab experiences to poultry, sheep, horse, dairy, elk, and pig farms. Students will learn about the impact agriculture has on the community by being exposed to a well-rounded, applied curriculum related to the large animal industry and the sciences that make agriculture such a fast growing industry. This course is highly recommended for students wishing to further their post-secondary education in the areas of animal and veterinary science.

Unit 1-The Livestock Industry 

Unit 2-Anatomy, Physiology, Feeding and Nutrition

Unit 3-Animal Breeding

Unit 4-Beef Cattle

Unit 5-Swine

Unit 6-Sheep and Goats

Unit 7-Dairy Cattle

Unit 8-Poultry

Unit 9-Exotic Large Animal Species 

Student Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, I would like the students to be able to: