Community Resources

Website Resources

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a legal protocol securing services for families and their students through the public school systems. These series of laws contain guidelines for service provision for students and their families along with procedural safeguards to protect all families and parties involved. Below are two resources summarizing parts of the IDEA.

This site breaks down the IDEA Part C into more manageable chunks. This resource will walk through the different parts of the IDEA concerning the law and services for babies and toddlers.

This site breaks down the IDEA Part B into more manageable chunks. This resource will walk through the different parts of the IDEA concerning the law and services for students in preschool, primary, and secondary schools.

Planned Parenthood support

Below are resources for Planned Parenthood support in Pittsburgh, PA.

Pittsburgh Planned Parenthood

Pennsylvania Abortion Laws Fact Sheet

*Currently, abortions are legal in the state of Pennsylvania up until the 23rd week of pregnancy.

This site provides handouts about milestones in a child's development.

This site provides sources to assist with identifying the early signs of communication disabilities and Autism

This site provides families and service providers with resources for family-based Early Intervention support.

This site offers parent support for Early Intervention. There are resources for child development to early learning to parenting and advocacy.

This site offers support for families who speak Spanish. It offers resources for supporting the child's development as well as academic success.

Este sitio ofrece apoyo para las familias hispanohablantes. Les ofrece recursos para apoyar el desarrollo del/la niño/a y también el éxito académico.

This website offers resources for bilingual educators and families. They offer strategies for supporting a child's language development as a teacher and as a family members.

This resources supports discussion with young children about liberation and abolition in an easier to digest way. It opens up doors for racially minoritized children to understand these concepts and to find joy and peace in their communities. For non-racially minoritized children, this source supports their learning about the diverse world around them.
