Jorge Caballero and Ivan Castro


Jorge A. Caballero grew up in Southern Arizona and has lived in Tucson for more than 25 years. A maker since birth, Jorge has explored a variety of media throughout his creative journey. He has over 25 years experience with graphic design and has a passion for digital photography and has been published in the staff and faculty arts magazine (Cababi). Jorge has experience with 3D modeling as well as 3D printing, and provides training for students, faculty, staff, and the local community at the Pima College East Campus Makespace as the Instructional Media Coordinator.

Ivan Castro joined the Pima College East Campus Makerspace team in 2019 as a Support Technician providing support and equipment maintenance. As a new artist, Ivan had the opportunity to assist Jorge A. Caballero with the Blumenfelsen Sculpture.

Both Jorge and Ivan have been instrumental in working with PCC students in Project EPIC, a Title III - HSI STEM program at the East Campus