Game Design Arcade

Advanced Game Design (2nd Period)

Ghost Zero is an homage to the legacy of arcade shooters. The main mechanics are shooting the different enemies with the right color of projectile, the A button shoots blue bullets, the B button shoots red bullets, if you are hit by a blue or red bullet from an enemy while the ship is in blue or red mode, you will take damage. However, if you press A and B together, the ship will go into white mode, where you can absorb enemy fire and add to your own health.


Shoot meteors to get to the boss dragon .


Play as a ghost and chase around Pac-Man. Eliminate Pac-man before he collects all the pellets.


Intro to Game Design (3rd Period)

It's a platformer with inspired elements from various games like Mario and Megaman. It's vertical scrolling and the goal is to get a high score or reach the end of the level. Controls: A to jump, up to climb ladders (when you're on top of one), and b to throw spears.


You play as Pacman and try and get as much food as possible while avoiding a ghost that bounces around the screen and each time you get hit you lose a life and are made invulnerable for one second but in that second you also can not pick up food, as the game goes on the Ghost gets faster and harder to avoid.


Pac-Man but with a flaming twist where there is a ghost made of water trying to put Pac-Man out.


Lots of memes and Sonic!


Our game is based off of the famous game Crossy Road, but as we are using a cat. There is a time limit to which you have to make it to the other side of all the roads and travel back home. Also, Do not get hit by any of the cars, or do not touch the water, for it will take 1 life away
