Email Migration: Contacts

Task 2: Contacts

One thing you need to be aware of, if you currently have your Exchange (aka School Email) setup on your personal phone, and you have contacts synchronizing turned on with that account, any contacts that are saved to your “Exchange” account will disappear when your account is being migrated during the entire weekend of April 19-23!

They will be saved and are expected to be migrated, they will just be unavailable until you re-setup your exchange account on your personal device Monday morning after the migration is complete. 

More instructions will come out in the coming week to remind everyone how to set that up again if you need help.

You can TEST which contacts will “disappear” during the migration by using the top two examples below:

  1. Go to your Phone App
  2. Click Contacts at the bottom
  3. Click Groups at the top left
  4. (as the 2nd picture shows) If Exchange is listed, un-check it, and go back to your contacts and see if anything is missing (this just HIDES them). Likely you are also keeping contacts in your iCloud and/or other email.

In this example, my phone is not using Exchange to sync contacts on my personal device. Most are being kept on contacts in my “All iCloud”.