MYP Report Card

What is the MYP report card?  The MYP (Middle Years Program grades 6-10) Report Card provides information to parents and guardians about their child's general performance in the IB (International Baccalaureate) program.

Why do we need an MYP report card?  The MYP Report Card shows how students perform on major assessments in each of their classes.  Sometimes this information can get lost in the general School District Report Card that combines all homework, classwork, projects & presentations, and assessments.  It is also useful for students who want participate in the Diploma Program at select high schools.

When can I expect to see my child's MYP report card?  The MYP Report Card will be distributed with SDP report cards at the end of the 2nd and 4th marking periods.  You will receive 2 MYP Report Cards each school year.

What are these classes?  They are not listed on the School District Report Card.  Because the IB is an international program, they use subject names that make sense globally.  Here are the equivalencies:

What is a "Criterion?" Each subject has its own assessment measures, called "criterion," that are established by the IB.   Each subject is assessed using 4 different criterion that align with IB teaching requirements for that particular subject.  Each criteria score is recorded using a scale of 0-8.   Click here for more information on the criteria for each subject.   

How are overall grades determined?  To arrive at an overall grade, teachers add together the student’s final achievement levels in all 4 criteria of the subject group.  That number is converted to a score from 1 - 7.  (If a criterion has not been assessed yet, that score is left blank.  All 4 criteria will are assessed twice by the end of the school year.) 

What is the highest overall grade my student can earn?  The scale for overall grades is 1-7.  This number is determined by the IB based on adding up criterion scores and giving an equivalency grade.  For example if a student earned 5 points for criterion A, 2 points for criterion B, 4 points for criterion C, and 7 points for criterion D, that student would have a total score of 5+2+4+7 = 18.  IB's grade equivalency for 18 is 4.   Click here to see the scale and grade equivalencies.

How are grade descriptors determined?  Who wrote them?  Grade descriptors were written by the IB as an international standardized description of performance.  Subjects that have assessed less than 4 criteria, will have inaccurate descriptions of your student's performance level.  Subjects that have assessed all 4 criterion will have accurate grade descriptors.  If you are unsure about how your student was described, please arrange to speak with your student's teacher.  Click here to see all of the general grade descriptors.

Please give us your thoughtful feedback HERE so we know how to improve the MYP report card for the next school year.