Diploma Program Application

Hill-Freedman World Academy is proud to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, a rigorous college preparatory program that prepares students for college, engages them in relevant, globally-focused experiences, and is attractive to colleges and universities, as a sign of a prepared, engaged student.

All Hill-Freedman students take Diploma Program courses, but must apply to be considered for participation in the full Diploma.  The full diploma offers students the ability to:

At the end of 11th grade, students apply for the Diploma Pathway, through an application and interview.  When reviewing applications, students’ course grades, motivation, and teacher evaluations are considered.  To be considered for the Diploma Program, students must also have:

The DP coordinator and head of school will make the final decision about which students will be approved to pursue the full Diploma. 

A completed application for the Diploma includes:

Student applications will be reviewed by the IB Leadership Team, which includes all DP teachers, and scored on a rubric.  All applicants will be invited for an interview, which will be scored on a rubric.  An intake meeting will be held, if needed, with the student, parents, and learning support teachers to discuss the program requirements and expectations.

Please review the resources below to learn more about the Diploma Program and about the requirements of the Diploma Pathway.