IB Learner Profile

The entire International Baccalaureate seeks to develop students who respect themselves, others, and the world around them, while at the same time concerning itself with students' social, emotional, and physical well-being.

To reflect this, the IB Learner Profile is at the center of an IB education. It reflects attributes important for this holistic development of each student. At Hill-Freedman, educators intentionally help students to develop these attributes and to demonstrate them both within and beyond the classroom. According to the IB, "the development of these attributes is the foundation of developing internationally minded students who can help to build a better world."

The IB Learner Profile

Below are the learner profile attributes, with a description of each.

International-mindedness is a way of looking at the world and a philosophy for living. International mindedness empowers people to lessen the importance we place on ourselves, and have a greater sense of others. International-mindedness means the ability to see opportunities to learn from other unique individuals and a fellow human beings.

The greater our differences, the more difficult such encounters may be, but, approached with open-mindedness, these encounters can also be some of the most rewarding experiences we have.

International Mindedness

IM @ Hill-Freedman

Students build their international mindedness through:

  • Participation in the International Speaker series

  • Participation in service through the MYP Community Project and DP CAS

  • Participation in international service trips

  • Exposure to speakers and presentations about global issues

  • A curriculum focused on language development and opportunities to read and respond to global texts and perspectives