STAR Online Learning System

STAR Online Learning System (SOLS) was developed specifically to support students who encounter breaks in service and/or challenges accessing traditional classroom instruction and is designed to allow educators the ability to provide access to preschool, elementary, and secondary students through remote learning opportunities.

SOLS includes 3 strands of lessons to address the learning needs of primary and secondary students with significant disabilities, including children who have:

* minimal language or are non-verbal

* motor skill limitations

* challenges attending to instruction

All of our K-12 (Kindergarten through 12th grade) Autistic Support Teachers (and any other interested staff) have free access to the STAR Online Learning System (SOLS) within the School District of Philadelphia.

Click here for a document providing an overview and FAQs to SOLS

Click here for Caregiver Information for Online Learning Sessions

If you are a caregiver interested in SOLS,

please contact your child's teacher for more information.

If you are an educator interested in using SOLS,

please email Dr. Michelle Nutini at