
What is the DMA Showcase?

The DMA Showcase is an evening of celebration of Digital Media Academy students. Student work will be the focus of the evening, with  outstanding student work from all grade levels awarded throughout the evening. Additionally, we will announce the winners of the video competition and distribute academy cords to our graduating seniors. We invite you to join us for this evening of celebration!

See below for more information.

Any questions? Please contact any member of the Leadership Team or Mr. Bandy.

DMA Showcase


10th Annual DMA Showcase

Friday, May 17
PGHS Black Box Theater

Prompt:  Create a story that includes each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Additional Requirements:

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2023

10th annual DMA Showcase prompt & requirements

Showcase 2024

Theme: There are two sides to every story

Prompt:  Create a story that includes each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2023


Winner: "Baking Bread," produced by Lilli Harlan, William Coleman,  Ryu Do, Nathan Standring,  and Aamir Aiyaz

Showcase 2023

Theme:  It was worth it.

Prompt:  Tell a story that communicates something about the theme.  Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2022


Winner:  "Boiling Bad," produced by Jonathan Lommasson, Jason Singh, Shido Vang, and Phoenix Washington-Ide.

Showcase 2022

Theme:  That's Life

Prompt:  Tell a story that communicates something about the theme.  Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2021

Winner: "Everything Man: The Road to Redemption," produced by Athena Liebel, Jonathan Lommasson, Kurt Smith, Giovanni Alvarez, and Elizabeth Earl.

DMA Showcase 2021

Theme:  Resilience

Prompt:  Tell a story that communicates the importance of resilience.  Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2019

Winner:  "Failure, Attempt, Success," produced by Hailey Bava, Areebah Chishti, Richard Patterson, and Julianna Yang

DMA Showcase 2020

Theme:  Resilience

Prompt:  Tell a story that communicates the importance of resilience.  Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing manner.

Prompt courtesy of the DMA Class of 2019

No Winner :  Postponed--pandemic

DMA Showcase 2019

Theme:  Be Your Best

Prompt: Tell a story that communicates the importance of “being your best”. Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing way.

Digital Media: Close up  

Sometimes finding someone being their best is hard to find, you have to “zoom” in and look closely.

English:  A personified conscience.

A character has an Imaginary Friend, or any other character that only they can see, who acts as the conscience to them ­ suggesting to them the right thing to do, or perhaps reminding them of the wrongs they have committed.

Required Dialogue: “If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk” - March Hare in Alice in Wonderland

Animation: Bouncing Animation

Because sometimes you need to “bounce back” to be your best. To meet this requirement, you must animate something bouncing, or squashing and stretching.

Social Science:  A social justice activist/leader

To meet this requirement, you must creatively reference a current or historical figure that has sought to improve society.

Creative Challenge: Incorporate a bee

In honor of the 4 “Be’s” you must incorporate a bee into your video.


DMA Showcase 2018

ThemeUse Your Voice

Prompt: Tell a story about using your voice. Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing way.

English: ​irony

A character in the video must either say something ironic or experience a situation that is ironic. Verbal irony​ is the difference between what someone says and what someone actually means. Situational irony​ is to expect one situation or condition, but then actually experience something opposite than what one expected.

Social Science: ​quote from a historical figure

People in the past have used their voices to impact change in the form of speeches, articles, interviews and protests. Your story should incorporate a motivational quote or phrase from a historical figure.

World Language: ​Incorporate an exclamation in another language.

An exclamation is ​a sudden cry or remark, especially expressing surprise, anger, or pain. You must incorporate an exclamation in another language in your entry.

Digital Media:​ Point of view shot

A point of view shot represents an individual’s voice or perspective in a visual way. You must include one point of view shot in your video.

Animation:​ A thought bubble

Incorporate an animated thought bubble. Before we speak we often think about our beliefs and how we will communicate them.

Required Dialogue:​ “If you see something, say something.”

Being an upstander is something we have focused on as a school this year which requires you to use your voice to speak out and report injustice or suspicious activity. You must incorporate this phrase to represent using your voice as an upstander.

Creative Challenge:​ Someone singing

An actor has to sing a line or chorus from a song, using their voice in a more creative way.

Winner: Produced by Marisa Lord, Sarah Delgado, and Emma Shelton

DMA Showcase 2017

Theme:  Unity

Prompt: Tell a story about unity. Your story must include each of the following items in a creative and visually pleasing way.

English: demonstrate a character having an inner-conflict
Social Science: Reference to a famous historical figure
World Language: Incorporate a flag from a different country
Digital Media:  A Close Up Shot
Animation:  Animated Text
Required Dialogue:  “Do the right thing.”
Creative Challenge:  Someone taking a bite of food

Winner: Produced by Kiley Calahan and Britton Thomas

DMA Showcase 2016

Theme:  New Traditions


English:  1. inclusion of a comic-style speech bubble somewhere in the video 2. a comic book in the background or somewhere in the camera frame

Social Science: Ken Burns - a reference to his role in telling history

World Language: Reference or Show a holiday tradition from a Japanese, French, or Spanish-speaking country that isn’t common practice in the U.S.

 Digital Media:  Over the shoulder Reaction Shot

Animation:  Animated Text

Required Dialogue:  “The Digital American” 

Creative Challenge:  Someone walking backwards 

Winner:  "Digital," produced by Emma Burrell, Sarah Delgado, Marisa Lord, and Ashley Nguyen

DMA Showcase 2015
Theme:  A helping hand

English:  The name and mission of a local non-profit
Social Science:  “Interdependence” – a scene of two characters being mutually reliant on each other.  A reference to a global example of interdependence.
Art: A street performer/artist (i.e. graffiti artist, break dancer, mime, magician, musician, etc.)
Media Production: Slow, steady panning shot of at least 180 degrees
World Language: Culturally appropriate greeting for a French, Spanish, or Japanese-speaking country.  (Only one is required)
Creative Challenge: Awkward Laughter
Required dialogue: “Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.”


DMA Showcase 2014
Theme:  The Future

English requirement:  A reference to the the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey (reference can either be spoken or visual)
Social Science requirement: A line of dialogue about an incident where history has repeated itself – must name the incident, which war, event, etc. 
Art requirement: Inclusion of one Futurist artwork somewhere in the video (reference must be visual)
Technical requirement:  a worm’s eye view (camera pointed up from the ground at a subject)
Creative challenge:  Someone must limp
Dialogue requirement: ”’Tis but a scratch”

Winner: Produced by Esperanza Fox, Korey Gonzales, and Ithalia Price