12th Grade

Advanced Production & Broadcasting CTE

This is our capstone media production class know to most as the PGTV class. In this class students run PG's school broadcasting program known as PGTV. PGTV is shared with the entire campus approximately every 4 weeks. The broadcasts run 25 minutes each. Students, under the supervision of the teacher, are responsible for producing the broadcast from coming up with the ideas to anchoring the broadcasts. The overall objective is to give students the authentic experience of working in a production studio with real deadlines and having to produce content for specific audiences.


January 2022

Class of 2022

November 2021

Class of 2022

October 2021 - Halloween show

Class of 2022

October 2021

Class of 2022

September 2021

Class of 2022

May 2021

Class of 2021

April 2021

Class of 2021